Belgian PM to Orbán: EU Presidency does not mean you are the boss of Europe

Belgian PM to Orbán: EU Presidency does not mean you are the boss of Europe

by guyoffthegrid

  1. >Thus, the press conference at the end of the first day of the summit was also the occasion to bid farewell to the current Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo, who has held the presidency of the Council for the past six months

    Goodbye Alexander. You failed in Europe and even more in Belgium (his party Open VLD lost the elections).

    I still agree with what he says about Orbán here!

  2. At least the Belgian PM tells it like it is, instead of ignoring the problem named Orban, like the rest of the EU do.

  3. Orban is the head of Hungaro-maffia only while fronting for Putin and voting on his behalf…

    As a Hungarian, I don’t know … I don’t get why both the EU parliament and the NATO did not rewoke Hungary’s right to vote on any matter … Or just remove Hungary’s veto right…

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