Indien und Russland bereiten die baldige Unterzeichnung eines Militärlogistikpakts vor

Indien und Russland bereiten die baldige Unterzeichnung eines Militärlogistikpakts vor

  1. People from India should be blocked from entering European countries for as long as this cooperation takes place.

  2. Considering how many western countries have been soaking up their diaspora of citizens for decades now, this is deplorable and extremely disapointing.

  3. Can someone tell me, What is wrong with India and their current government? I mean, people are dying in a senseless war and all what India cares of, to make a logistic pact with Russia?

  4. Watch them immediately go back and do something with the US now like Vietnam did

  5. > India and Russia are set to finalize a long-awaited Reciprocal Exchange of Logistics Agreement (RELOS), which aims to streamline military exchanges between the two nations. This agreement, which has been under discussion for several years, recently gained momentum with Russia approving the draft.
    > The RELOS agreement is designed to simplify logistical support for military operations, including exercises, training, port calls, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) efforts.

    >It mirrors similar agreements India has with other countries, such as the United States, which began in 2016. Once signed, the RELOS will be valid for five years and will automatically renew unless either country decides to terminate it.

    >Earlier, India has signed a logistics pact with other countries, including the US, Australia, Japan, France, Singapore and South Korea. These agreements provide the Indian military with access to the military facilities of other countries, in exchange for fuel and other provisions, thus allowing greater interoperability and increased operational turnaround for the Indian Navy, when operating in the high seas.

  6. India has existing dependencies on Russian military manufacturing, including an insane amount of existing joint ventures that they simply can’t just walk away from.

    As shitty as this is on paper and as an on-looker, it makes sense that India will continue to play both sides here.

    From a western perspective though, there should be consequences.

  7. Thumbnail on reddit literally looks like they’re about to have a public smooch sesh.

  8. Almost everyone here hasn’t even read the article and are getting triggered without reading the article. It’s all out of spite

  9. damn india is playing both sides, getting the semi conductor deal from the US and now this, no wonder he’s kissing him

  10. The fuck is wrong with you India. You were our great democratic hope in Asia. Sigh . So much sigh. Don’t work with Putin!

  11. The first problem India will have with this is trying to explain to Russia what logistics actually means. “No, Vlad, logistics does not mean ‘it is logical to send Russia’s ethnic minorities to die first.’ “

  12. High time to cut off India from any favourable nation trade agreements.

    By “not picking a side”, India has picked a side.

  13. For ever Russian nuke you give us

    There will be one Soviet design tank or artillery barrel we give you.

  14. Can someone oust this cunt called Modi? There has to be someone better and he has been in power for way too long. This is why you need term limits.

  15. So many of you here are just racist lmao, won’t even read the article but hey, India bad, west good, Gtfo

  16. In Star Trek, WW3 started in 2026, and one of the belligerents was the Eastern Coalitions of Nations.

    Also the Bell Riots started in 2024. Just saying.

  17. It’s an interesting agreement given the animosity between India and China and the cooperation between China and Russia.

  18. What we gonna call this axis..?

    Russia North Korea India Belarus

    Who’s next on the bingo card for Putins cuckers?

  19. “simplify logistical support for….exercises, port calls, and humanitarian assistance”

    Nothing to see here, please move along.

  20. Thank god reddit diplomats don’t have any control over geopolitics in the real world

  21. Well the comments section hasn’t read the article and reacted well to click bait headlines as usual.

    Edit: but please do let out all the thoughts you have about Indians.

  22. This is good because if Putin starts getting too wild then both China and India have leverage.

  23. Fuck Modi, what is he doing being friendly to a war mongering murderer who is killing 100s of thousands of his troops and 100s of thousands of Ukrainians and openly assassinates political opposition and runs a police state. How does he reconcile with this when he warmly shakes a dictators hand. He’s obviously and openingly anti Ukrainian and pro Putin.

  24. Be a real shame if the US and other western nations decided it was now a requirement to hire locals for call center/customer service jobs. Watch how fast india gets drained of cash.

  25. One thing I don’t understand is if china goes to war with India, how the hell is Russia going to help them? Russia is 100% dependent on China. Is this to try and offset Russia and China’s unbreakable friendship? I would imagine Japan/south Korea military pacts would be more fruitful.

  26. Great, the new world war will have 2 countries with billion populations. Any friend of Russia’a I’d an enemy of ours and a de facto friend of China, no matter how much India claims to hate them.

  27. ITT: r/worldnews users with zero background or knowledge of geopolitics, and the history of foreign policy and relations between India, US/Europe, and Russia.

  28. Putin us about to get a half billion people that are super expendable to Modi but he’s gonna piss of China. If this somehow bridges the gap between India and China, we’ve got an axis on our hands with so many people they could use them as ammo and never run out.

  29. We are descending rather quickly into a world war, disappointed India, or the leadership of India picked Russia to be friends with. Meanwhile, US is falling apart, by design. Europe must be sweating beads by now

  30. In. my study of global affairs
    Never thought much about india.well let me skip ahead the threat of a a WW3Conventail war. NATO ISRAEL FINLAND SCANDIVANA COUTRIES LIKE NORWAYETC.AGAINST THE RUSSIA CHINA INDIA IRAN
    JORDON SYRIA YEMEN BELURUS HUNGRY. TI COULD HAPPEN LOOKS LIKE N.Korea join russia with a lot of hardware

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