Forbes: Another One Of Russia’s Nuclear-Proof Transports Just Got Blown Up In Ukraine There might be just a few Ladogas left, one of which is in a museum.

Forbes: Another One Of Russia’s Nuclear-Proof Transports Just Got Blown Up In Ukraine
There might be just a few Ladogas left, one of which is in a museum.

by Electrical_Chart1499

  1. I am all for blowing up Russians transport but this is not longer funny. Where are the T-14 Armatas, Gerasimov, and Shoigu?

  2. Nuclear Proof – that means nuclear weapons, not the regular ones. They didn’t build it for those.

  3. The Russian Army, belongs in a Museum… They are out-dated, not fit for modern use.

  4. Good, there is one in a museum reminding us how not to do it. The rest can be blown up.

  5. The regular Russian on the streets of Moscow should understand that bomb or drone-proof vehicle AKA death trap!

  6. I guarantee they’re going to use that one in the museum, unless they scavenged the last parts from it to get the other transport working. They’re running out of equipment so fast.

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