Unsurprisingly, the National Rally came out on top in the first round of snap parliamentary elections. Cohabitation with the RN will have an impact on Ukraine’s deep strike capabilities, the supply of Mirage 2000-5 and other capabilities that do not fit the RN’s definition of “defensive weapons”.

Unsurprisingly, the National Rally came out on top in the first round of snap parliamentary elections. Cohabitation with the RN will have an impact on Ukraine’s deep strike capabilities, the supply of Mirage 2000-5 and other capabilities that do not fit the RN’s definition of “defensive weapons”.


by rulepanic

  1. The National Rally rallies for Putin. So it’s not national. It’s vassal.

  2. As a French and having some experience: Yet it is better to “expose” far right populists while Macron has the upper hand: he’s still the chief of the armies and has authority regarding foreign decisions.

    Until next presidential elections Frenches have to learn more about the “Miraculous solutions RN has but can’t realize them because not in charge”… So thats it: It’s better to put them on the real political scene, to expose these pieces of shit right with a cohabitation (avoiding them to grab absolutely everything ie: loyalists in public medias, lying/faking statistics, replacing alot of high ranked officials etc…)

  3. France just votes opposite of what they should too keep with their historical tendencies. Its a trend at this point.

  4. >Cohabitation with the RN will have an impact on Ukraine’s deep strike capabilities, the supply of Mirage 2000-5 and other capabilities

    No it won’t. Macron is the chief of armies and decides, alone, if he wants to give equipment or not.

  5. Cohabitation with the RN is far from being sure. The most probable outcome at this point is that the RN will have a lot of MPs but not enough to have the majority. The 2 other big parties are mostly withdrawing their candidates for the 2nd round in favor of eachother to limit the number of RN MPs.

    It will probably lead to a parliament with 40/45% RN and the other being split and unable to form a government. If this happens, the RN won’t govern as well and france will have some sort of “technical government” with no majority, which won’t affect help to Ukraine

  6. Trump on one side of the atlantic, RN, the great freinds of PUtin on the other. Not good for Ukraine… 🙁

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