Georgia Eliminated By Spain

Well, story ends here, as a Greek, I'm glad that such a brave team kept us from the EURO and we didn't lose against team like Barry (just joking) Spain seems to be the best team so far, I'll root for you Joses, but Georgia? Fantastic team, good luck to them.

by UnknownDevGAf

  1. The best thing about seeing Spain win is watching people from Latin America complaining and crying about it.
    This has nothing to do with this post but anyway I wanted to say it because is true

  2. As a Georgian, thank you OP for your consistent support! Meant a lot from a Greek!

    Hope our stubborn debut to EURO compensated a little bit for robbing you an opportunity to thrash our common neighbor.

  3. Friendly reminder that the only goal against Spain was scored by a frenchman in our team. You really can’t trust them anywhere anytime

    (It was bad luck and timing but I will never give up an opportunity to be chauvinistic)

  4. Well, it was a good run that brought immense joy to a vast majority of Georgians πŸ™‚

  5. Damn, we really got a good chance of making it to the finals. But the Spaniards? You guys would absolutely obliterate us. No point in pressing and counter-pressing, that fking ball is just glued to your boots fml.

  6. I was rooting for Spain since the biginning, it’s sad to see Georgia go but it had to be done for Spain’s EC victory.

  7. Salute to you, Spanish comrades. Well played out there! πŸ‡¬πŸ‡ͺ❀️πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ Now, let’s make sure we don’t let Barry take it home

  8. As an absolutely completely sane person, I support anyone but Spain, England and France, so at this point I suppose I am left with Germany (my friend is threatening me please help)

  9. where were u wen Georgia lose

    i was at house looking football when
    score show

    “Georgia is los”



  10. Now that I live in Spain I wanted to celebrate! But I live in Barcelona I discovered quite fast that there is some issues to be solved internally. Congrats πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ

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