Ultraorthodoxe jüdische Demonstranten greifen Auto eines israelischen Ministers an, aus Wut über die Wehrpflicht

Ultraorthodoxe jüdische Demonstranten greifen Auto eines israelischen Ministers an, aus Wut über die Wehrpflicht


  1. Oh no, i’ve been hurt by an egg!!

    Seriously though, this would be like forcibly drafting Amish people in the USA. Their communities are mostly very insular, to the point of even having different hospitals set up for themselves.

  2. Well we can see it is not because they have any problems with using violence. Bunch of crybabies.

  3. God fucking damn it, they are literally the biggest crybaby. They expect to live without working or doing anything actually productive for society and now they get one thing they have to do and are throwing a tamper tantrum

  4. There is such outsized attention and reporting about things happening in Israel. Shit like this happens all the time all over the world

  5. It seems like the Ultra-Orthodox do know how to mobilize and fight. Go ahead sign them up

  6. Can an Israeli explain, why were these whackjobs given an exception in the first place?

  7. They want all the benefits of a Jewish state but don’t want to help defend it. Draft them all. lol

  8. I consider ultra-orthodox Jewish an equivalent of Muslim zealots. Different belief in religion but both fanatical and will do harm to others because they believe they are in the right in the eyes of god.

    Those protestors should be arrested and sent to military boot camp pronto but not assigned to combat battalion as they are bound to turn it against their compatriot if given an chance.

  9. Dear Israeli government,

    One of your major problems just slapped you in the face. Deal with it.


    The World

  10. Can you imagine if MAGA made it so only liberals could be drafted? Everyone is more liberal than the ultra conservative. The ultra conservative MAGA would start all sorts of wars if the lib left was the only one dying.

  11. UO- Defend Israel to the last soldier!

    IG- okay, we need more soldiers, so we’re drafting you.


  12. “Front of the line”

    They are great at stirring shit up but lack the courage to face people fighting back.

  13. People furthest from the frontlines always tend to be the loudest war supporters. Imagine that.

  14. So they love to warmonger, but they don’t want to fight themselves? Bunch of wussies if you ask me

  15. “We are against war! We love peace. Let’s attack the minister’s car!” I know it’s not that simple.

  16. I pose this as a serious non inflammatory question. What happens when they get drafted, do they have to cut off their sidelocks/sideburns or is this religious belief protected by the constitution?

  17. I used to work to with ex Israeli soldiers and they would tell you the greatest war will be secular Jews against the religious

  18. >Protests in Jerusalem against the drafting of ultra-Orthodox Jews into the Israeli military turned violent on Sunday, with demonstrators attacking both law enforcement officers and a minister’s car, according to local police.

    It is rather ironic that the ultra-orthodox Jews are protesting their inclusion into the military draft when it is their extreme beliefs that help lead Israel to the situation that it is in today where it needs the military more than ever…

  19. Maybe if you’re able to attack a government minister that proves violence isn’t that forbidden to you?

  20. Look they are showing they are ready for their military gear and guns.

  21. “We’ll fight you over here so ours don’t die fighting over there. Yours can keep fighting, though.”

  22. They also don’t pay taxes or do fucking anything. They are an absolute cancer.

  23. > Rioters threw stones at police officers and the car of Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf as he returned to his house, according to an Israeli police spokesperson. Protesters also set trash cans and the road on fire, blocking the highway.

    Threw stones? In the West Bank that will get a Palestinian shot. Wonder what happened to these protesters. Are they labeled as terrorists and shot down too?

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