A Ukrainian and two Russian young women talk in chat roulette about the war, history and NATO.

A Ukrainian and two Russian young women talk in chat roulette about the war, history and NATO.

by SnooPeppers6719

  1. 1. Damn those girls were putting it away with a quickness.

    2. This was extremely frustrating to watch.

    3 Ukraine girl stayed calm and on subject. Good for her.

    4. Maybe at some point those Russian girls will think in the darkness of night about that discussion and begin to question what they are told. That is the best to hope for. Good on this Ukrainian to fight the intellectual fight, but… How exhausting. 

  2. I’m polish and this was so frustrating to watch, the russians don’t get it do they?

  3. Questions I’d like to see the girls asked:

    – What did you think when Prigozhin launched a rebellion in June 2023? How did you feel?

    – Do you know Russian men that are serving in the army? If not, why not?

    – Are you aware that Russia uses Chechen blocking troops to shoot Russian men for retreating? What do you think about that?

    – Do you know that Russia has lost a third of its Black Sea Fleet?

    – How does it feel that Russia’s air defenses have not been able to protect you against Ukrainian drones and missiles? Does it trouble you that these are supposed to protect you against nuclear missiles?

  4. I have Russian relatives. That’s their world. That’s what they believe, they made zero effort to ever learn anything about their country or history besides what the kremlin pushes down their throats. They don’t care. The only ones that care are the wives or daughters of the fallen russians or the victims of a murderous ex-convict.

  5. nO oNE kNoWs ThE tRuTh … uKraIne HaS nO aRmY … We hAve MorE GaS …
    I guess, only retarded people are left in ruZZia now.

  6. Putin isnt self sufficient – parasitic entity. Now turning to North Korea for supplies, along with any other country that has exiled themselves from the international community.

  7. Russia is a nation of brainwashed fascists at this point… it’ll be a long road to make it a friendly nation at some point

  8. My opinion on the thoughts russian women have about anything is relatively low.

  9. The imperial mindset is baked into their thinking. Unless a country has its own oil or gas, it can’t possibly be a real proper independent country, its just potential lebensraum for Russians.

    Of course, as is brought up, Ukraine has enough gas to replace Russia as main supplier of Europe. Which is one of the reasons why Russia invaded and started in oblasts where a lot of that stuff can be found.

    So, even if you have the natural resources required to be considered a real independent country by Russians… Russia will invade and take your stuff anyway, at which point the rest of your land is up for grabs because it’s not part of any real independent country anymore.

    ***Impossibly wealthy dictators hate it when you learn of this one trick.***

  10. The girls’ national pride overshadows whatever little intellect they night have. Their answers reek of childish ignorance. Clearly, they have absorbed all the propaganda taught in russian schools and broadcast on russian TV. Propaganda that they mistake as knowledge.

    “I’m proud to be russian because russia is big. We have nukes, you don’t. We have gas, you don’t. Oh, you have gas too, do you? Well, we have more! Ukraine is a tiny country. You’re not self-sufficient, unlike us.”

    So much ignorance, it hurts to watch. The mentality, as if a country without gas is reason to be invaded. Or being small is begging to be invaded. As if no nukes is something to be ashamed of. Do they even know why Ukraine doesn’t have nukes today?

    I would like them to see the country they are so proud of disintegrate due to their own actions. Because evil has no place in this world, no matter how big you are or how much gas you have, or the fact that you have nukes.

  11. Great example of what happens when there is no free press or free speech in your country.

    Also hard to take anyone serious when they are sucking on vapes like it’s putins little dick.

  12. That’s why I stopped talking to Russians, they don’t wanna learn the truth, they love to be brainwashed in their propaganda and lies. Sad very sad. But nothing can be done

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