Ukrainian air force attacking Russian positions with AASM-250 “Hammer” precision bombs in Paraskoviivka in Donetsk region. Published on July 30, 2024

Ukrainian air force attacking Russian positions with AASM-250 “Hammer” precision bombs in Paraskoviivka in Donetsk region. Published on July 30, 2024

by Hotrico

  1. Those AASM/Hammers are bloody good munitions. The US assumes (quite reasonably) it’ll have air dominance, so it can fly high and drop JDAMs until the cows come home. While the French assume air-power ambiguity and slap rocket boosters on their JDAM-adjacent AASMs to engage targets from varying altitudes and distances.

  2. Interesting how Paraskoviivka has been hit quite a lot of times by airstrikes after Russia captured Novomikhailivka. Its such a tiny village and I believe has (had) a big resort/hotel where Russians keep running into. Ukraine hasnt really used these bombs at all in this part of the front, but this one-road village has seen them all

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