Im Iran fehlen zum neuen Schuljahr 176.000 Lehrer

Im Iran fehlen zum neuen Schuljahr 176.000 Lehrer

  1. They’re a little ahead of Florida and Alabama that way.. don’t offer respect and they simply *Go Away!*

  2. It’s as if religion can’t exist as a guiding force in modern society any more.

  3. Headscarf crackdowns, low pay, and imprisonment for daring to speak out.

    Not too hard to see why teachers are increasingly not willing to put up with it all.

  4. It’s almost as if fundamentalists — whether of Iranian or Okie heritage, it’s getting increasingly harder to discern any meaningful difference — completely fail to understand that just huffing “Make it so!” will not in fact make anything so.

    They lack any effort or skill at realistically addressing problems. They only can manufacture problems that they insist others “fix.” It’s a cultural sleight of hand designed to distract from their complete lack of skill at leadership or administration or empathy or anything remotely qualifying them for the positions they hold. Other than of course the usual status and wealth, terribly unreliable indicators that those insist on being.

    Bring on the ignorant generations. This cataclysmic failure is how we (sadly belatedly) identify false prophets who don’t have the slightest idea what they’re doing. We need to take a cultural flamethrower to the lot of these self-serving peckerwoods regardless of Abrahamic flavor.

  5. What’s the problem?

    Just post a list of religious requirements and all is good, right?

    /s (Louisiana resident)

  6. It’s hard enough working as teacher anywhere. With so many restriction placed on women, how in the world they would ever want to be a teacher?

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