I’m looking to move to the UK next year but deciding where is proving difficult. I used ChatGPT and a spreadsheet to score each city. The spreadsheet is complete, but ChatGPT can’t always be fully trusted. Could anyone take a quick look? I’ll sort you a pint once the occasion arrives!

I’m looking to move to the UK next year but deciding where is proving difficult. I used ChatGPT and a spreadsheet to score each city. The spreadsheet is complete, but ChatGPT can’t always be fully trusted. Could anyone take a quick look? I’ll sort you a pint once the occasion arrives!

by MarkyMcSmark

1 comment
  1. Oh god that’s grim! 

     Personally I’ve never been happier than when I left the South, and the thought of living in the South East fills me with dread.

     It’s a dump, overcrowded, the people are really stuck up and self absorbed, plus it’s expensive. 

     West midlands is pretty run of the mill, Leamington spa is nice enough I hear, Lichfield is however stunning. That’s number 17 on your list (or there abouts) and would be the first place on the list I’d go. 

     What are you doing in England as that might help with a suggestion?

    Edit: Telford and Kidderminster are above Worcester. Never go to either of those cities. Dudley beats Hereford, and Slough is high in the list

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