Deutscher Rechtsextremist sieht Le Pens Sieg in Frankreich als Vorbild

Deutscher Rechtsextremist sieht Le Pens Sieg in Frankreich als Vorbild

  1. *From Bloomberg News reporter Arne Delfs:*

    Alice Weidel, the co-leader of Germany’s right-wing AfD party, said the victory of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in the first round of France’s legislative election is something to emulate.

    “I look at the result in France with admiration and respect,” Weidel told Bloomberg at the sidelines of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) convention in Essen in western Germany on Sunday. “I think it’s wonderful that Marine Le Pen managed to achieve such a great result. And of course it’s also a role model for the AfD.”

    Relations between Weidel and Le Pen have been strained since France’s right-wing politician severed ties with the AfD in the run up to the European Parliament election earlier this month. The AfD’s lead candidate Maximilian Krah told an Italian newspaper that not all members of the Nazi SS paramilitary organization were criminals, remarks that led Le Pen to break with the German group.

  2. The French far-right doesn’t want anything to do with the German far-right though.

    They literally threw them out of their European parliament group.

  3. how long do you think before the french do a complete 180 on the far right parties once they realize that they only care about business interests and are incredibly corrupt? place your bets

  4. Sell out to Putin, get money and support from Russian troll farms, win elections. Simple.

  5. If parties don’t want to lose to extremists, the answer is simple – govern in a way that makes voters happy. Across the west, few governments seem to be able to accomplish this.

  6. I’m unfamiliar with French politics, does “far right” refer to similar policies the republican party pursues in the US, or is it different?

  7. I’ve started to realize when the media talks about far right people they are just talking about normal people.

  8. Why are the AFD still getting support when they have been caught being literal nazis

  9. The French have a habit of punishing their centrist politicians every once in a while to teach them a lesson, and they will never fully support a far-right government. They will get rid of them as soon as they start to get uppity.

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