Türkische Flughafenmitarbeiter weigern sich, El-Al-Flugzeug nach Notlandung aufzutanken

Türkische Flughafenmitarbeiter weigern sich, El-Al-Flugzeug nach Notlandung aufzutanken


  1. Hey, Erdogan. Holding civilian passengers against their will as hostage is crime you know. Israel can return favor in different way if you keep this nonsense up.

  2. So assuming these are raging anti semities (not a stretch I imagine) surely they would just want the El Al plane gone right?

    Refueling them kinda works in your interests.

  3. I hope this triggers an investigation and penalties from the international aviation authorities and that those airports workers will then be held liable for those damages.

  4. Ignoring stunts like this delays the inevitable:

    Erdogan’s complete destruction of Israel-Turkey relations.

    No planes should dock or serve in Turkey, just like SA.

  5. Turkey refusing to earn extra couple of bucks? Don’t shit me. The captain decided to take off and refuel in Rodos because of commercial reasons — fuel was either cheaper there or supplied within an existing agreement.

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