Russia lost 33,713 troops in Ukraine in June

Russia lost 33,713 troops in Ukraine in June

by MantasChan

  1. The claim is the recruit about 30,000 a month, and that’s not just infantry/frontline units.

    So they’re losing more than they can recruit. That impact is even more on the meatwave troops, which they are obviously losing more than they can recruit.

  2. The sports stadium near me holds around 35k people and the duration of the Ukraine war has seen roughly these numbers per month. I imagine all the times I’ve been to that stadium looking around at the spectators to put it in context. Insane.

  3. That’s about 2 mechanised divisions worth of personnel in one month, in exchange for what? Eventually something’s gotta give…

  4. That’s not sustainable. I believe Ukraine can win the attritional war. If only the western allies weren’t so indecisive.

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