At least 30 Reform candidates have cast doubt on human-induced global heating

At least 30 Reform candidates have cast doubt on human-induced global heating

by Wagamaga

  1. At least 30 Reform UK candidates have posted material or made statements that cast doubt on the validity of human-induced global heating, a Guardian analysis can reveal.

    A suite of the party’s prospective parliamentary candidates have publicly cast doubt on the existence of the emission-caused climate crisis.

    Their social media posts often claim that warnings of anthropogenic warming are a “hoax” or “scam”, and many include conspiracy theories about how the “climate change narrative” can be attributed to the World Economic Forum, “globalist elites” or “the Illuminati”.

    Analysis of Reform candidates’ social media profiles for the Guardian has shown that, over he last two years, more than two dozen have shared material that denies human-induced warming. Some of the candidates sharing these messages are projected to win in their constituencies

  2. The absolute biggest threat to my standard of living is eco warriors legislating to reduce my energy consumption, via limiting flights, car use, meat etc……..

  3. This just proves how susceptible some are to algorithms. It’s like a one stop conspiracy shop of lunacy from their candidates and followers

  4. These 30 are just the ones that have publically posted or talked about it.

    I’d put money on at least 50% having no issues saying the same thing

  5. Wow. I’m shocked. Like the time I found that the sky was blue, or that owls exist…

  6. What are they disputing it on?

    1. That carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas?
    2. That atmospheric levels of CO2 are not increasing?
    3. That there’s a flaw in the conclusions drawn from carbon isotope ratio analysis from ice cores?
    4. That they’ve found a reservoir of carbon with matching isotope ratios comparable to fossil fuel to account for the increase?

    You can assert anything you want, but you need to provide evidence to back up your claim which never seems to be forthcoming.

  7. If the mainstream was spending time talking about the chemical make up of water, they would deny it. They are trying to tap the obvious level of anger and stupidity that exists and this is how you do it.

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