On this day in 1894 Tower Bridge, a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames in London, was inaugurated.

On this day in 1894 Tower Bridge, a combined bascule and suspension bridge over the River Thames in London, was inaugurated.


by atdoru

  1. The bridge is about 240 metres in length and provides an opening 76 metres wide. Its twin towers rise 61 metres above the Thames. Between the towers stretch a pair of glass-covered walkways that are popular among tourists.

    The walkways were originally designed to allow pedestrians to cross even while the bridge was raised, but they became hangouts for prostitutes and thieves and so were closed from 1909 to 1982.

    The Tower Bridge was operated by hydraulic pumps driven by steam until 1976, when electric motors were put into operation; the steam power system is still kept (in good repair) as a tourist display.

  2. Tower bridge at night looks incredible. When I moved to London from DC, every person I worked with 45+ told me the same joke about the rich American buying London Bridge thinking he was buying Tower Bridge. haha

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