London – peak Western Europe

London – peak Western Europe

by Efficient_atom

  1. If someone could only invent something like a public garbage can

  2. That’s what happens with mass immigration, you don’t just get people, but also their problems.

  3. The funny thing about this post is that people were post videos like this about the Polish communities that came over until Brexit occurred.

  4. Looks like Naples but at the last there they have good food and amazing monuments

  5. Why on Earth would a tourist go to Green Street? Even the indigenous don’t go there

  6. Can someone explain to me unironically if this is a street after some kind of mass event (parade, NYE etc) or something similar that might explain this?

  7. Someone wants to tell me again how the UK isn’t an outlier when you go to any European city and it’s clean, yet you come to one of our cities and this is what you see.

    Man this country is a massive shite hole

  8. Again, a Pole is surprised we get problems from third world countries because people from third world countries want to live in our countries. Very surprising from someone coming from a country no one wants to move to.

  9. I was in London a few weeks ago for a foo fighters concert and I actually found it pretty clean (dispute there being like 2 bins in the entire city)

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