Remember when people doubted Ukraine’s ability to properly maintain American Abrams M1 tanks? This is an Ukrainian tech crew performing an engine replacement in the field.

Remember when people doubted Ukraine’s ability to properly maintain American Abrams M1 tanks? This is an Ukrainian tech crew performing an engine replacement in the field.

by MatchingTurret

  1. I don’t think anyone thought they would be able to do it, just that it would take time to become proficient.

  2. This image looks like a photo from the Vietnam war – the only thing that gives it away is the trees lol

  3. Western Tanks, pack changes are quite simple with the correct training. I am sure the Ukrainians received that training, as someone else said, it just takes time to become proficient.

    All depends on the tank crew as well, if it’s a field repair, before the mechanics arrive, you want the crew to have prepped the pack for lift. It’s then a case of lifting it out, replacing and plugging in. It’s a fairly quick process for well trained crews.

  4. Few people doubt Ukraine’s technical ability, however I recall there being concern over supply chain and long-tail maintenance issues which are still a problem. Even Leo 2 crews are having to wait for parts. IIRC United24 covered this in a recent-ish interview with a Leo 2 tank crew.

    Everything that goes to the front is by car/truck, and it’s a big front line so there are delays. Americans have the luxury of air-delivered parts and solid logistics. Perhaps a super-heavy (aviation fuel drinking) drone for logistics is the answer in contested airspace.

    That all said, give Ukraine more Western tanks. Lots more. They’ll work the rest out.

  5. I don’t think many people seriously doubted Ukraine’s ability to maintain Abrams. If there’s one thing Ukraine has shown the world it’s that they shouldn’t be underestimated.

    I think the main concern was that they’re a much bigger strain on logistics to keep in the field compared to Leopard and Challenger etc.

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