This is Interesting. Bosnia got Neum, at least.

This is Interesting. Bosnia got Neum, at least.

by kaptainmaximus

  1. Yeah and the croatians build a big ass bridge across neum so it can’t even be used as a port

  2. I used to date a Slovenian girl, and she told me the same thing, Croatia stole almost their entire coastline. (No clue how valid that claim was).
    That piece of the Adriatic Sea coast is beautiful though!

    [edit] why the hell am I being downvoted for relaying something that was told to me, while explicitly saying I have no idea if the claim was true or not.

  3. From what I have heard about Dalmatia,it seems to be a beautiful place for holidays. I’ve never been there but Croatian friends often are telling me about it.

  4. “Bosnia got Neum, at least.” is something that triggers me (even though I know it’s a joke, but a lot of people take it seriously). I have been hearing from work colleagues (EU institutions) how “Croatia took all the coast for itself” and similar comments (and they are dead serious about it).

    People obviously think that Yugoslavia was a single country and that territory was completely shared. In reality it was “Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” and every federal republic had well defined borders inside of Yugoslavia.

    [Here’s what 1961 school map of Yugoslavia looked like]( – you can clearly see divisions between republics.

    EDIT: [additional school map of Yugoslavia which might be better](

  5. I don’t think Bosnians ever minded not having much sea, they are culturally not that much connected to it.

  6. When I drove from Germany to Montenegro, going through Neum was really interesting. Had to cross borders twice within 15 minutes from Croatia to Bosnia and back to Croatia. Luckily the lines at border crossings were not too long but I heard sometimes they can be really long and you could wait for more than an hour, twice!

  7. During middle ages Bosnia was occupied by Ottoman empire. Dubrovnik was a trading republic, like Venice, which was competition. Dubrovnik made a deal with Ottomans, to avoid having direct land border with Venitian lands so that Ottomans got the Neum strip. That’s why it remained part of Bosnia.

  8. How it actually went in the 90’s:

    Can we let some Slavic countries potentially Russian friends, exit on the Adriatic Sea?
    US, UK, NATO: Absolutley not!!

  9. As soon as BiH is not in Schengen zone, do Bosnians need a eu visa to go to the Croatian coastline?

  10. Can someone explain why? Slovenia and B&H look like they got a bad deal, coast-wise.

  11. Tbh even the part of Neum and surrounding region consists of mostly ethnic Croats.

    Neum was given to Ottomans by Dubrovnik. So Bosnia and Herzegovina kind of just inherited that coast from those times (17th ct?)

    Kind of silly how these memes dumb people down as now its considered Croatia fought for this coast or that Croatia didn’t have a claim to it. Croatia once consisted of smaller dutchies and kingdoms, kingdom of Dalmatia included, and it all united under one name. It’s simple as that.

  12. Bosnia does have access to the sea. I’m sure I went through some sort of checkpoint on a bus trip

  13. I drove from Dubrovnik (southern Croatia) to northern Croatia last year, and the route went via a brand new highway & bridge, circumventing Neum and BiH land. Probably saved passport checking.

    Proof: later on, we went for a short trip from Croatia into BiH, and a lot of passport checking, including “why are you coming into BiH”.

  14. My favorite conspiracy theory that I have 0 evidence for and just made up is that Croatia gave Bosnia Neum because a Croatian politician owns all the resorts there.

  15. Since I saw this map multiple times and haven’t seen someone comment this.

    Fun history fact. Neum wasn’t the only territory which Ragusa gave to Ottomans and subsequently to Bosnia. There was also a small strip called Sutorina which is now part of Montenegro but up to the 1930. was administratively part of Bosnia.

    So if there wasn’t for an internal border changes in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia Bosnia would now have two small strips at the Adriatic Sea.

  16. Do Bosnians care? I’m asking because almost all of the people who post about BiH not having access to the Adriatic Sea are not from BiH or even Croatia.

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