know the rules.

know the rules.

by thatcrazy_child07

  1. What isFrance doing in our supreme group? Only PIGS 🇵🇹🇮🇹🇩🇪🇪🇸 are allowed to critizice other peoples food

  2. It’s funniest from Fritz and Willem, they absolutely need to stay in their lane

  3. its because the English know that their r****** cousins have better food then them, and their insecuruty complex is fully shown

  4. I mean, because WE actually have good food? I can criticize anyone about food, but I gotta stay quiet if someone is starting to talk about economy lmao

  5. Well, yes, Barry’s food might suck (although their breakfast mushrooms are lovely) & obviously Americans might have disgustingly greasy, overly salty, and sickeningly sweet food, but … wait, where was I going with this???

  6. „The truth will set you free,
    but first it will piss you off.“

    „America first“

    That‘s why we have these rules !

  7. What’s Germany doing with us? Only half of you know at little bit about food and drink (the Catholic part, the good part).

  8. As a bit of a foodie I think all countries have quite nice Chinese takeaways.

  9. I am afraid to say burgers are better than that recycled Vomit of the British cuisine.

    However on a completely different topic, I went to Spain for vacation and there were so many British.
    I mean the guys looked like Shrek with sunburn but I was surprised by the chicks with some of them being hot as fuck.
    I could not explain it and since then I live in a state of doubtful confusion in understanding what is real and what is not.

  10. They just can’t talk about bad food with the way everything they do is just diabetes incarnate

  11. I actually liked fish and chips, I would like to have some here and have fresh fish fried fast food franchises or local shops.

  12. Stop trying to make “solidarity with the perfidious Albion against the yanks” happen, it’s NOT going to happen!

  13. Italy’s only contribution to cuisine has been McDonalds mozzarella sticks.

  14. Not that my opinion matters, but after having worked in Germany, and also having visited the England many times, I’d say that German food can be top tier in the grand scheme of things if you stick to the well known or “restaurant food” dishes. Especially in Bavaria, or southern Germany in general, it’s not uncommon to have several home cooked fancy meals with the family or with friends once or twice a week- the kind that one plate of would cost 20€ or more at a traditional restaurant. I can’t rate the U.K. as a whole, but it seems like the ingredients and end product for so many dishes in England are cheap, and lack quality. Not to be too sexist, but a lot of British food seems like something a single middle aged man came up with after a failed marriage, whereas a lot of German food seems like it’s either part of a feast for a medieval festival, a sampling of bread and cheese like in France or Italy, or Döner.

    Also, Döner is way better than Shawarma. It’s not even close.

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