Farage says posting far-right song was ‘mistake’

Farage says posting far-right song was ‘mistake’

by DaveChild

  1. The only thing funnier than watching Farage’s birds coming home to roost are the ludicrous excuses he’s coming up with. ‘Channel 4 paid an actor to say racist things,’ ‘the guy I employed to vet candidates is a Tory saboteur,’ ‘the BBC (which have been giving me undue publicity for decades) are biased against me.’

  2. If it wasn’t for the fact Farage has repeatedly and consistently said there is no racism in Reform, just like he did in UKIP and Brext Party, after each and every incident I’d start to think his politics might attract a certain amount of racism.

  3. His supporters are those that spend their day arguing on farcebook.
    His supporters are those that wake up and ask themselves what can they get angry about today.
    His supporters are those that the rich and powerful manipulate to divide the lower classes.

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