‘US doesn’t see Ukraine in NATO today,’ Zelensky says

‘US doesn’t see Ukraine in NATO today,’ Zelensky says

by KI_official

  1. Let’s be honest, no NATO does. It’s basically just asking art 5 and war on joining.

  2. Unfortunately, Ukraine will have to fight it’s way into NATO. Their path to joining leads through victory against Russia….or through the death of Putin. I’m guessing that the latter, however impossible it may seem, is the shortest/easiest path to take, as Russia will descend into an enormous turmoil once Putin is dead.

  3. You can’t join NATO right now, but NATO can join you. NATO credibility is on the line right now, regardless of Ukraine membership. And they know it.

  4. Because they aren’t in NATO today. I don’t get why this statement has any significance?

  5. And after the war ends in however way it ends – “Sorry Ukraine , no longer news – go find someone else” , or “It’s still too dangerous\you have territorial claims\no longer relevant” , pick your poison .

    It’s way better to use Ukraine as shield that can be tossed aside after it outlives its usefulness rather than an actual member of an alliance , because – “god forbid , what if we actually will need to defend someone”

    Sorry for cynicism , but 2+ years of war do that .

  6. Ukraine will need to get nukes. That is the only way to guarantee her sovereignty.

  7. The US Fascist Party (RNC) is pro-Putin and pro-totalitarianism. The US Corporate Center Right (DNC) only cares about making themselves rich.

    I hope for Ukraine, but I would not count on NATO or the US for anything anymore.

  8. Probably not, because the US doesn’t want to get pulled into the conflict, at least not directly. After the war is over is another story. I’m sure the US and NATO will welcome Ukraine with open arms.

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