Bucharest, capital of Romania, in 1986, under Socialist regime. Photos by Tamás Urbán

Bucharest, capital of Romania, in 1986, under Socialist regime. Photos by Tamás Urbán


by ArthRol

  1. “Here’s my keys , just move my Renault 12 for me “ ………2 days later .

  2. All these different, colorful brands, and yet they’re all owned by the state.

  3. No sane person, who had opportunity to live under soviet (or pseudo-socialist) regime, would want to repeat it.

  4. I’ve been to Bucharest last summer and obviously you still have a lot of “soviet housing” but my oh my did Bucharest had a glow up. In the center it can easily challenge any other European City, including Vienna.

  5. Socialist Regime? You mean Communist Regime! Jesus don’t give Americans more reasons to mix up the two!

  6. Incredible transformation and Romania today is a different country which is progressing very rapidly.

  7. The market is so minimalistic. You’ve got apples, apples, nothing, more apples, more nothing, nothing and apples. And please, stand in queue for apples.

  8. I have looked at Romanian political history and see that a socialist party was voted into power in the 90’s. But can only find Communist rule before this. Can you maybe enlighten me as to when in 1986 the socialist were in control?

  9. It is 1986, it looks to me like scenes from “Only fools and horses” from London UK.

  10. The city has improved almost unbelievably since then. Now the main problem is too many cars.

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