Die Taliban fordern den Westen auf, über die harten Verordnungen gegenüber afghanischen Frauen und Mädchen hinwegzusehen und Beziehungen aufzubauen

Die Taliban fordern den Westen auf, über die harten Verordnungen gegenüber afghanischen Frauen und Mädchen hinwegzusehen und Beziehungen aufzubauen


  1. The west tells the Taliban to get fucked until they can act like civilised human beings.

  2. The way certain people ignored this during the recent cricket World Cup was somehow as shocking as it was unsurprising

  3. The sad thing is that you can be sure that there are corporations in the west that would be all too happy to move past the dehumanizing of half of the afghan population in order to further their business.

  4. I don’t think they get just how abhorrent the oppression of women is to us.

  5. They just don’t get it. Women are human. Until you treat them as such you can piss right the fuck off. Simple human rights, WTF yo?

  6. “We want the benefits of being part of a civilized cooperating world but also we want none of the responsibilities that come with it”

  7. those degenerated Taliban can go in the same corner as russia and north korea and if they arrive there, they can go fuck themselves and then fuck off into insignificance…

  8. Where is that Bugs Bunny meme where he just says ‘no’ when I need it (and how do I embed it)?

  9. Hey no no no big fella t-ban you wanted the big job so bad? Welcome to world politics. Not so easy is it?

  10. The Taliban wanted us to back out and thats what they got. Nothing else should these troglodytes get.

  11. Taliban to American Republican Evangelical Christo Fascists “We’re not so different, you and I”

    Ideological purity.

    Compromise as weakness.

    A fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism.

    Denying science.

    Unmoved by facts.

    Undeterred by new information.

    A hostile fear of progress.

    A demonization of education.

    A need to control women’s bodies.

    Severe xenophobia.

    Tribal mentality.

    Intolerance of dissent and a pathological hatred of the US government.

    They call themselves the ‘Tea Party’. They can call themselves ‘Conservatives’, and they can even call themselves ‘Republicans’, though Republicans certainly shouldn’t.

    But we should call them what they are – The American Taliban.


  12. Yeah. If you specifically choose to ignore the bad things people do, they become good people. It’s like magic!

  13. No fcuckin’ thankyou. Women, other/non-religious folks and Queer people deserve right too.

  14. Can’t you just look past the fact that we enslave women and be our friends? (After a whole fucking 20 year war)

    If Biden listens to them I’d be fucking repulsed

  15. The Taliban are sick of being discriminated against for their discrimination against women and girls.

  16. “Just ignore how ignorant and fucked up our way of life is and give us money already”

  17. Taliban should look past their harsh religious edicts on women to create better society for Afghan women.

  18. Do yourselves a favor if you wanna have a laugh and read this article: [Taliban Militants Fed Up With Office Culture, Ready to Quiet Quit](https://time.com/6263906/taliban-afghanistan-office-work-quiet-quit/)

    >**The camaraderie amongst fighters has dwindled, the jihadists say, as previously non-existent hierarchies are now far more apparent**, and many around them get swept up in the pursuit of money. **“I sometimes miss the jihad life for all the good things it had,”** said Nafi. **“During jihad, you couldn’t have known the difference between a commander and a foot soldier like me.”**

    >Kamran, a 27 year-old deputy group commander, longs for the simple life. **“Now, when someone’s nominated for a government job, he first asks whether that position has a car or not.** We used to live among the people. Many of us have now caged ourselves in our offices and palaces.”

    >**During the insurgency, Samim notes that the men did not need to earn money to support their families as the movement covered their expenses.** “The jihad, a religious duty which exempted them from such everyday concerns, is over: they now have to work for the survival of their families like everyone else.”

    >**“There is a proverb in our area that money is like a shackle,”** says Salam. **“Now, if we complain, or don’t come to work, or disobey the rules, they cut our salary.”**

    The fucking Taliban -> Wage Slave Pipeline is real and it’s one of the funniest things i have ever read.

  19. The West spent decades thinking “maybe if we engage with these regimes economically and help the nation become prosperous, the culture will improve from the grass roots upwards”.

    It didn’t work. Or, at the very most, it worked on some countries. But the countries it worked on… well, it worked on them. They’ve joined the 21st century already. Every country that it hasn’t worked on, it’s not GOING to work on. They’re clearly immune to the “economic engagement” strategy and continuing to employ it would be wasteful foolishness. For these regimes, the West is seen merely as a teat to suckle at, and occasionally bite at. It is not seen as a two-way relationship.

    Another strategy must be employed. I don’t know what that is, I only know that the economic engagement strategy has worked all that it’s going to work.

    Any country that is upset about this can complain to Russia, as the West’s engagement with Russia has backfired so hard that the sanctions on Russia now that they’re trying to take Ukraine are now painful to us as well. Economic engagement leads to economic dependance, and it’s now obvious that when an intransigent regime goes too far, it would be better to have never funded them in the first place.

    Russia took things too far, they’ve done something the West never thought they’d be stupidly destructive enough to actually do, and as a result, the West’s entire strategy for how to engage with autocrats has shifted and is continuing to shift. Complain to the Russians. You’re probably already taking their money under the table anyway.

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