Two wounded Russian soldiers complain about being forced to participate in an assault despite their injuries. Allegedly they were beaten by their own commanders to force them to go on the assault. 25th Brigade, 1009th Regiment, Kharkiv region, Vovchansk direction.

Two wounded Russian soldiers complain about being forced to participate in an assault despite their injuries. Allegedly they were beaten by their own commanders to force them to go on the assault. 25th Brigade, 1009th Regiment, Kharkiv region, Vovchansk direction.

by BigDeckBob

  1. Im sure Mr. Putin will get on it right away. There is nothing Putin values more than the precious lives of his cannon fodder.

  2. From where comes this delusion that the President of the Russian Federation gives a flying F about cannon fodder? He is the primary reason you are there meathead. Their only hope is to surrender, or turn on their officers and the blocking troops and fight their way back to Russia. I don’t know why anyone would fight their way back to Russia.

  3. “But… but… but… russia has infinite reserves of man*powerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…!!!!*” — russian bots and simps

  4.  “an urgent appeal to the authorities” is one of my favorite russian video genres. 

  5. Don’t worry lads Putin will be there with you, in spirit, in reality he will be living it up and figuring out who he has to make friends with next to send more cannon fodder that direction.

  6. Never come to foreign country when no one wants you there, especially with weapons.

  7. “Why send all these wounded exhausted people to battle?” No, you facking orc… the question should be “why send all these people to invade Ukraine?” You’re getting exactely what you deserve.

  8. Anybody made a compilation of this humourous appeals to the Russian Federation yet? It’s like appealing to give me 1 billion dollar to my govt. Very much pointless!

  9. >”Why send all these wounded exhausted people to battle?”

    You are not supposed to survive. They don’t want to care for *wounded*. At some point he will figure it out, likely when he hears the humming of an FPV for the last time.

  10. Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich telegram posts are so 2022. He needs to tell his friend to pull his chin up, stop crying like a baby and live stream themselves going postal on russian command.

  11. oh I feel sooo sorry for you invading, raping, plundering, destroying innocent people. NOT.

  12. He finally worked it out in the end. Sent to die. No one in ruzzia cares if they are meat sent to the slaughter.

  13. In almost all the recordings, there are 40-60-year-old, broken-down alcoholics with an IQ of 60, unfortunate people living on the fringes of society, who are called soldiers after 1 week of training.

  14. It doesn’t occur to these fools to surrender and eat Ukrainian borscht there.

  15. Even if they would receive a direct reply from Putin with the words: “I don’t fucking care about you, you are but meat!”, they wouldn’t see the evil in him. Putin is like a dominatrix whose kicks they would receive with pleasure.

  16. There’s something very comedic seeing Russian brains at work trying to grasp reality, but completely missing the point. Over and over.

    It’s one thing if this was June 2022. But at this point, it’s like how the hell has it not clicked for these morons yet? They are there, in Ukraine, after two years, and still beg Putin to help? It’s just so mind-blowing how dumb these people are.

  17. Well, we in Gayropa have a place in every military where you can talk about feelings and grievances. You don’t need to do it via video. But we are also weak gay satanist.

  18. You don’t need strength comrade, you just need to deplete a few more Ukrainian bullets worth $0.25 each – that is the value of your life now.

  19. At that point why not just turn the guns on their superiors and take care of it? What have they got to lose?

  20. Still not questioning the war.

    Still not questioning why they are suffering.

    Just complaining not to be combat-ready to kill more Ukrainians.

    I have no compassion.

  21. The good news is you will not have to live with these injuries much longer! 😜

  22. What the fck are you doing there in the first place…????

    Appealing to the president of the russian federation…blyat…please!

  23. They should ask themselves why in the first instanc ethey went to Ukrain to fight an aggressive SMO? Now they must live with the consequences of dealing with a brainless command structure of a primitive army, and an even more brainless government and president pf RF!

  24. Russians need a repeat of what they did to Tsar Alexander. Tsar Putin does not care about his people dying.

  25. “We are servicemen of …” no, you are meat and you will die for putin. end of story.

  26. There’s no real insight here. No pause and realization of, “Wow, we’ve been lied to and this whole thing is a sham. Why are we attacking Ukraine?”

  27. Russians at home, watching this and thinking – “better them than us”, and also, “onion soup again”?

  28. They still think putler cares. how sweet. Time to die for your great putler boys and now women too.

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