“Better to break a leg than fly A-50”: F-16 pilot on aircraft advantages and air battles with Russia

“Better to break a leg than fly A-50”: F-16 pilot on aircraft advantages and air battles with Russia


by LIGA_net

  1. I know that many say the F-16 won’t be a game changer, but I cannot wait for them to arrive on the battlefield. There’s a reason why Russia tried so hard with disinfo campaign against the F-16. They’ll probably bring a whole load of armaments and new capabilities that will give Russia a hard time.

  2. And no F-16MLU has ever been equipped with the HTS pod. That’s a b50/52 item. The F-16 will expand useability of the AGM-88, but not as much as HTS would, if they had that they could REALLY go hunting.

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