Meta shuts down pro-Russian influence operation after ABC investigation into UK election interference

Meta shuts down pro-Russian influence operation after ABC investigation into UK election interference

by notinferno

  1. A welcome move after Brexiteers inviting this exact behaviour into the UK. If only Meta had done similar back then as well.

  2. My Facebook is covered with strange ai generated shit with union Jack’s everywhere. Started a couple days ago and they won’t go away lol

  3. >”I’m shocked! Shocked to find that pro-Russian influence operations are going on in here!”

    – Meta (probably)

  4. If ABC did an investigation then they already knew and did fuck all about it.

    I’m ready for the next social platform revolution that doesn’t involve meta.

  5. That would explain why my local Labour candidate has FB adverts that say they have 300+ comments, but when you open it, it has a dozen or so.

    Mass banning of shill accounts.

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