Barry, Barry, Quite Contrary

Barry, Barry, Quite Contrary

by BillyRougeBird

  1. We’re going from centre to centre boys!

    Strong and Stable with Sir Keir “My father was a toolmaker” Starmer and his merry ~~men~~ them who definitely will be scandal free

  2. Far right is the most stable form of government.

    I didn’t say good though, just stable.

  3. isn’t Barry politics just: “VOTE FOR ANYTHING THAT ISN’T TORY”

  4. We’re certainly going to be governed by a 28-year-old Prime Minister who has no comprehensive training or experience in governance and who, not so long ago, was making TikTok and call of duty videos on YouTube.

    At this point, I think we’re drifting towards a lot of funny memes on the Internet.

  5. I hate how we just can’t help ourselves… we simply ought to do the opposite of what the other’s doing. So childish and yet here we are.

  6. I’m just here for Ed Davey becoming official opposition leader. Imagine the hijinks

  7. The best bit is everyone calling us racist for the last decade or so and now they have got with the programme and taken it to the next level.

  8. It’s okay, you guys are just 10 years behind us, if only you had listened back then before Brexit even started l all this could have been avoided, or maybe listened during Brexit, or used Brexit as a case study to learn something or did pretty much anything else than ignore why Brexit even started in the first place.

    Somehow “I told you so” fits too well so we should just go with “you fucking idiots”.

  9. It’s back and forth. People need to be reminded that the opposition parties are also hacks. (Maybe even bigger). We saw this in Finnland. I don’t think countries change that much with a new government. 

  10. Dont worry, everyone – we’ll be back to insanity with a vengeance in 2029. We’ll be right there with you, France!!

  11. Don’t underestimate Barry. Tories are losing voters to Reform UK, not Labour.

  12. Kinda insane how the Lib Dems are now more left wing than labour despite being born as a centrist off shoot of labour

  13. Based. I hope the French vote le pen and she wins and has absolute majority.

  14. I mean damn guys we left you unsupervised for a couple of years and look what happens…

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