Gen Zers are so disillusioned with the economy that they think it’s OK to commit fraud

Gen Zers are so disillusioned with the economy that they think it’s OK to commit fraud

by FUSeekMe69

  1. Seems about right considering the recent scotus rulings on legalizing bribery and insurrection.

  2. Fraud and bribery work for the extremely wealthy. So, why not everyone else?

  3. They saw thousands of business owners defraud the government for PPP loan money, buy houses and cars and watches, and then get their loans forgiven. They saw the generations before them take out absurd student loans for degrees with no market value and have the government forgive the loans. They live in an era of financial nihilism where people bet their money on crypto or shorting stocks, or insane bids like NFTs, because earning money the “normal” way may not beat rapid inflation. It’s no surprise they are doing a little fraud.

  4. People should have honor but they are generally as well behaved as the society around them is. The system allows many of the wealthy to commit crimes and call them legal so it’s natural for folks to justify ignoble acts with cynicism.

    It doesn’t make it right but there is an obvious explanation why a specific generation might be more prone to finding it acceptable. America is not becoming so different from Constantinople, perhaps the most well legislated city in the world at its time, but rife with legalized corruption.

  5. Their last president was a lying rapist con man. So when you have the worst person as leader of the free world what is even the point anymore? We are ALL better than Donald Trump which means we are ALL better than the president of the United States…

    But we get paid like shit. 

    And we really shouldn’t be better than our own president. Our president should represent the best of us but YET

  6. The posts in this thread only confirm the article. Some of the highest honors these days are fraud, theft, and general dishonesty. We are definitely going places.

  7. Just learning from stand up representatives lol.

    I don’t condemn petty crime anymore. People have to eat and times are becoming increasingly hard. If the day ever comes that I can’t feed my children. Better believe I’m turning into a criminal don’t care!

    Rules for thee, not for me ass society.

  8. They’re just shadowing our elected officials and their handlers / big donors behaviors. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

  9. They watch corporations and politicians literally change the laws to allow them to commit fraud legally. Wouldn’t you be disillusioned, too?

  10. “They may see this behavior as a victimless crime, as the companies they are transacting with are often industry behemoths.”

    Ah yes, Amazon, the gold standard for worker rights and safety.

    Thanks Forture Magazine, for showing us the real victims are the billionaires with rocket companies.

  11. This is what happens when teachers of ethics are found to be the fraudsters. They use ethics to make themselves rich while leaving a whole generation poor.

  12. Following the law seems so 1990. Those that feel disenfranchised from a system…have their own ideas of morality.

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