Tories set to be ‘all but wiped out’ in London

Tories set to be ‘all but wiped out’ in London

by TheTelegraph

  1. This is going to be historic given this country is intrinsically conservative.

  2. Voters should not be complacent. Polls have been wrong before and some folks mischievously lie when called/collared by pollsters. Get out and vote!!!!

  3. But I thought that, because they held onto a safe seat by 400 votes, being anti-ULEZ was a vote winner?

  4. Brilliant, but over here in Feltham I’d be shocked if reform or the Tories don’t do decent numbers. The area is riddled with supporters, even local FB groups won’t let anything that is anti tory or Labour get posted. It’s a weird mix of very racist white English people, and 2nd gen south Asians who tend to look down on other immigrant groups who vote for them ’round here.

  5. Is this the same story that got posted on here a couple of times before. The one where when you look at the projections the headline is bollocks?

  6. Kensington which is a very wealthy constituency turned labour in 2017 but turned conservative in 2019. It will turn labour again in 2024. I live in Battersea and it is quite a wealthy constituency and was labour since 2017. In this election, expect to see lots of surprises.

  7. London has huge magnetic pull for people- population from 6.8m in 1990s and projected to 9.5m by 2030. Labour promise housing. Only way to do it is compulsory purchase lots of wealth related Edwardian terraces and build upwards.

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