Pride Parade nach pro-palästinensischer Demonstration auf der Yonge Street mitten auf der Strecke abgebrochen

Pride Parade nach pro-palästinensischer Demonstration auf der Yonge Street mitten auf der Strecke abgebrochen

  1. The protesters are a group called ‘coalition against pinkwashing’. I highly doubt a group with a name like that actually care about Palestine. More likely they used this as an opportunity to disrupt the parade and also funnel the anger towards Palestine supporters.

  2. What?! No way! But the people of IG/Twitter/Tiktok told me Pro Palestinians **loves** the LGBTQ movement /s.

  3. I understand the importance of the message against pinkwashing, but why do the LGBT populace have to miss out on a highly anticipated event that celebrates their own liberation? If you’re representing the interests of a profoundly non-homophilic culture, you could at least take a more diplomatic approach to your activism directed towards the gay community.

    Sometimes I think the people doing pro-palestine protests are secretly agent provacateurs looking to discredit the cause.

  4. In the end, the two ideologies are incompatible, even on the most basic level.

    How would a free palestine looks like? It will be an authoritarian regime AT BEST, if not a theocracy. No one from ‘queers for palestine ‘ could visit there, and the guys that already exist there would be arrested and sentenced for jail, or worse.

    What next? BLM for the houthis? The guys with the slavery?

  5. The fact that leftists are arguing this is fucking hilarious. This makes them look like total fucking fools lol.

  6. If I had a dollar every time this were to happen I could afford a lot of things

  7. There were 200.000 people at the parade and it was stopped by 20 protesters??

  8. Well, it worked for BLM a few years ago too right? Guess being gay is too mainstream now.

  9. Go to one of their fun gatherings and do the same to them. Make an ass out yourselves like they do. Two can play this game. Enough of these terrorist supporters.

  10. Queers for Palestine are like log cabin Republicans – it’s a strange advocacy arrangement that I’ll never understand as a gay dude. If Palestine ever does end up as a free/independent state, it’ll almost certainly be a Muslim majority and they will almost certainly ban any type of open same sex relationship under penalty of jail or death.

  11. Interestingly enough, in my country this year’s Pride Parade actually had a Palestinian Parade as *part* of the LGBT Parade.

    And Greta Thunberg randomly showed up to march in it unannounced. I didn’t know she was even in the country.

  12. Well yeah, that makes sense.

    I never understood the whole lgbtq for Palestine thing… since those lgtbq people would be stoned to death and killed by the people are are marching for.

    Let’s all remember the people everyone is marching for, probably want most of you dead.

  13. I guess all the LGBT people are lower down the social justice heirarcy than Islam.

    Sorry gays, you were useful but are not needed anymore.

  14. If only they would extinguish each other and leave more space for the sane…

  15. This keeps happening for a very simple answer. Organizers of pro palestine and LGBT rights are very similar. They see a group struggling and want to fight for their cause, makes sense. (Please dont argue about justification of causes)
    As the movement gets bigger though, you can’t control everyone . The LGBT movement is a movement of love overall so they are very accepting. Many of those who support pro Palestine are not all loving, you can agree they should be safe etc, but they still are anti LGBT. 

  16. Every generation has it’s culture. Pride is over, now antisemitism is the way to go. In thirty years the young people of today will look back and say: ah, you remember how we started the next holocaust and drove the jews from the river into the sea? Good Times!


  17. If I tapped my 20 year old self on the shoulders and took him for a week to today, he’d fucking kill himself once he was back.

  18. It’s “Queers for Palestine” that are blocking the parade with their protest. It’s not a group of homophobic pro-Palestinian protesters who are against the Pride Parade and Events. Just to clear that up for some people, since many seem to think this was homophobic in nature.

    I won’t say that I totally agree with the “Queers for Palestine” mentality or mission statement. I don’t think they realize how LGBTQ people aren’t allowed to exist in Palestine. Either way, it’s definitely not a protest against LBGTQ in this situation.

  19. It would have been nice for the parade to finish, but it was interrupted by protestors. 

    These things happen. 

    Too bad. 

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