“Field of death” with A LOT of motorcycles

“Field of death” with A LOT of motorcycles

by StudyInfamous8819

  1. Hmmm, gues that didnt work too… Back to the drawingtable orcs.. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Who is the biggest fool?

    The ‘Supreme Commander’ who orders his slaves to speed race to their deaths or the slaves who follow his orders?

  3. “We are out of armored people carriers”

    Ivan: armored you say? Well, why don’t we use unarmored ones?

  4. I was thinking about what must be going through someone’s head as he approaches this pile of wrecks.

    Evolution has probably not provided us with an impulse to slow down or turn around. But if this war keeps going, this might just be the evolutionary bottleneck that will.

    Unrealistic optimism, a belief in personal luck, superstitious thinking, the illusion of control, the erroneous perception of near misses, a susceptibility to incentive size, the framing of gambling outcomes and finally: the influence of social factors on ~~lottery play~~ motorcycle assaults.

    Why do the poor spend more [time] on ~~lottery tickets~~ motorcycle assaults than their wealthier and better educated peers? While social scientists generally agree that there is an inverse relationship between socio-economic position and patterns of lottery play, there is debate on what factors cause ~~lottery gambling~~ motorcycle assaults. Using survey data from a nationwide probability sample, we test three sociological approaches โ€“ socio-structural, cultural and social network accounts โ€“ to explain why the poor ~~play the lottery~~ do motorcycle assaults. While controlling for cognitive bias theory, we find that peer play, educational attainment and self-perceived social deprivation have strong effects on ~~lottery play~~ motorcycle assaults.

    The findings of this study generally point to the importance of social structures in explaining ~~lottery gambling~~ special military operations.

  5. In a few years it will no longer be shooting fish in a barrel, but shooting Russians on a bike

  6. You mean the motorcycles didn’t offer armour protection?

    Oh well, never mind. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Was there a huge untapped Soviet stockpile of motorbikes, or all these just ad hoc models looted across Ukraine and from Russian civilians?

  8. Seems like a more modern, and infinitely worse version of the charge of the light brigade, lol…

  9. Shades of the โ€œCharge of the light brigadeโ€ there. Same region, this time the other orc side.

  10. “you know what they won’t expect? Us sending another bike!”

    “Sir this is the 5th assault we send in the same spot”

    “Exactly no one sane would send another one, that’s why they won’t expect it!”

    (I don’t remember the scene)

  11. Have they tried putting wheels on all the washing machines they stole yet? If not, probably next on the list..

  12. One could probably put together three working bikes with all that laying around.

  13. Looks like the Russian commanders have been playing a little too much Command & Conquer. This is textbook GLA tactics ๐Ÿ˜€

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  15. I like to imagine that every morning stars the day with the pvz horde sound: “Brainzz!”

    Only that the plants are ukrainians, which makes the defenders more lethal ๐Ÿ˜‰

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