30-degree heat is the new normal in Lithuania – experts

30-degree heat is the new normal in Lithuania – experts


by Wagamaga

  1. Last week, Lithuania experienced the first serious heat wave of this summer season. According to experts, temperatures rising above 30 degrees in Lithuania is no longer surprising and has become the new summer norm.

    Gytis Valaika, a meteorologist at the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service, says that people should get used to the heat, as 30 degrees is becoming the norm for today’s climate.

    “Nowadays, we are all used to the idea that 30 degrees is the norm, but in reality, it is not very normal,” he told LRT.lt.

    According to Justinas Kilpys, a lecturer at Vilnius University’s (VU) Department of Hydrology and Climatology, 30-degree heat was not an annual occurrence before the 2000s, as it used to warm up to such temperatures only every two or three years

  2. we always had summer days +30 as long as I can remember. Its just winters that got much more mild

  3. I miss when our summers used to be cold(relatively to now).

    Now i hate summer, especially now.

  4. As a Sicilian, I fucking wish our summer were still 30 degrees. I miss the 80s, 90s and 2000s.

    Somebody fix this shit I beg you.

  5. Yesterday in Poland we had 34 degrees. It’s insane. When I was a kid it was practically unheard of to reach even 30 degrees, now 30+ is basically the norm.

  6. It’s cooling off for now, but 30+ degrees is indeed the new norm here too.

  7. Keep using paper straws and ignore the elite using private jets! Taylor swifts needs her French Starbucks!

  8. Well, the whole deal with climate change, is that it will be accelerating and keep happening for a good while. So the new normals will probably be short lived.

    We’re losing stability and normality in a sense.

  9. There will be 39 degrees in Bucharest in a few hours, already 36 degrees right now acording to accuweather.

    This has been the norm for about a month and will most likely last until late september.

    27 degrees by the time i leave for work. I sweat so much i’m starting to have emotional/mental issues every fucking summer.

    It’s only going to get worse. Fuck.

  10. 86 degrees in fahrenheit. Man, this is literally ideal outdoor weather for summertime (Chicago area, US). Colder than that, it’s too cold for beaches, pools, etc. when it’s constantly over 95 with humidity it really starts to limit what you can do.

    It gets -10 and sometimes even colder in the winter for extended periods. What am I missing?

  11. I hate summer in Europe in general. My least favourite time of the year. Spend most of it in London and south of UK and CE Europe. Most buildings are ill-prepared for 30+ degrees temperatures with relatively high humidity.

    I miss times when 30 degrees was considered high and almost considered a heatwave.

  12. People are concerned about gulf stream disappearing. That’s alright, we can live without that garbage!

  13. My little weather widget thing on laptop just told me it’s 47c. I don’t know how or where it’s measured, but it no longer seems far fetched to have that here. Had 40c on 1st June.

  14. In romania its even hotter, south part of our country is transforming in the summer to sahara . And the sad part is people are too poor or ignorant to use sunscreen protections when going out . Where i stay its 35 right now , but the sun burns like hell

  15. I got an AC unit this spring, what a good investment in comfort, very much enjoyed it last week. 31C outside, 23C inside.

  16. Everyday headline: Heatwave here, heatwave there. 30 degrees new normal. Bla bla. Where the fuck is summer in Germany? Why does Northern Europe get high temperatures but we have to live with 14 degrees.

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