Disastrous Strikes – Next Objective Becomes Clear, Can It Be Stopped? – Ukraine Map Analysis & News

Disastrous Strikes – Next Objective Becomes Clear, Can It Be Stopped? – Ukraine Map Analysis & News

G A Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic Monday a fantastic start to the week after what I hope was even a better weekend now today as always we have a lot to go over we’re going to look at the maps we’re going to look at some major changes on the map and we’re going to line this up with some geolocated footage as well that is relevant to where things are moving and relevant to the war as a whole and what tactics may be being employed we need to look at some claims we’ll talk about some other strikes of seen and what may have changed to facilitate these happening some new vehicles some trains a little bit of everything Legends we’re all on the internet a lot and we travel a lot that means we all connect to a lot of different networks but what’s keeping you safe on the internet obviously I don’t want Network providers or anyone else seeing not only where I am but what I am looking at well thankfully I am covered thanks to today’s video sponsor private internet access now what is a VPN a VPN or a virtual private Network it’s a tool that makes your internet connection more secure and more private it does this by creating a protected path for your data to travel through it hides your real location and keeps your online activities private now why would you use a VPN well you know I like to talk to a lot of very sensitive contacts and this assures me and my contacts privacy protection it hides my real IP address and encrypts my internet traffic making it difficult for others to track my online activities and using private internet access is so easy even I have figured it out and you can use it for Windows mac Apple and Android and here I have it connected to my browser so if Lily and I want to watch a TV show together and I’m away or if we’re at home and want to watch something that might be on say us Netflix and not on Australian Netflix it is this simple all I do is click on the thing up here I can scroll down and I can go to the UK I could go anywhere I want but look we’re looking for the United States I’ll connect to the beautiful city of New York of which I can’t afford what we’ll do here is this is on the Australian Netflix but once we refresh this let’s have a look we get significantly different shows opening up your paid subscription to Netflix to click my link below and not only will you get the first 4 months for free but you’ll be getting over 80% % off I use private internet access not only when I’m traveling but every day to protect myself online as well and I recommend to my viewers and my friends that they do as well it’s been a few days since we had claims from Ukrainian accounts that an S500 air defense system had been destroyed down in Crimea now we haven’t had any satellite images footage or photographs come yet of this and we normally get them within 48 72 hours so I’ll keep my eyes open for that but currently we haven’t seen any of that a lot of people are asking me about this so first off the bat let’s then have a look at some strikes on Logistics now we need to look at what has been hit and then what has changed here so yesterday then we saw this this is a Ukrainian train here with armored vehicles on it military logistics equipment and then with the potato camera of course it’s edited it’s stepped on it’s back and forward here we then do see and I scann a strike as we then Zoom out on a slightly different area to what we have been seeing but we do see a strike on the railway line here and then we see aftermath here of then destroyed pieces of military equipment from this train mate so you zoom out here so again it’s hard to see exactly what is happening here but Russian Ukrainian accounts they all saying this is a significant strike and attack here now in this this was claimed by the Russian accounts here they’re saying that it was m113s a book one NATO tanks a bmp’s freight vehicles and 35 military personnel were taken out here again with any claims from the side making the strike always a grain of salt but we can say it was a successful strike there now we see again today being released that a second train has been hit this time in the hariv region now it is hard to make out but these are definitely tanks here I believe t-62s but I am unsure but what we get here is then an ice scan a strike we don’t see the actual strike itself but we see the cloud rising up from near the railway tracks here again hard to see exactly what has hit here it looks as if it was slightly off to the side and I scanned it is a very large uh missile but we can see a train sitting in here it is difficult to say exactly what has been hit in here as well some people would talk that this slightly missed its direct Target right there as well of course still a lot of damage now why do I bring this up well Russia’s kill chain with I scanda this year has definitely improved and we have talked about this a lot and everyone will say yeah but it’s in these videos it’s missing and this is what I say well actually I’m not caring about the system hitting and what has been hit what I’m talking about and what I’ve constantly been saying here and the real concern for Ukraine here the issue is that Russia is having more success with these isander tornado systems and the Drone overhead then guiding these in and success hitting Logistics your Frontline troops are only as good as then the supply behind them that is why we’re talking about this not the specific strike on this or hit or miss or what was exactly destroyed the concerning part here is the success and how much better that kill chain when I’m speaking kill chain I mean from seeing it to strike on it that Russia has been this year like like many I was under the impression I think many were under the impression that Russia would run out of chips for these systems now I spoke with a PhD in electrical engineering who cleared all this up and some myths about this and why we haven’t seen a lack of Russian missiles and high tech equipment as well but it all boils down to people won’t believe that your mobile phone has far more computing power than a missile and those basic chips that can be in a missile Russia can produce themselves or get from China all the high-end stuff from intermediary so I’ll put a link to that video below if you’d like to go and then watch this now also a vehicle that’s been floating around is this it’s apparently called a typhoon apparently it’s a vehicle for the Russian vdv paratroopers here so it’s like a protected Mobility vehicle here with a very large Cannon I’m guessing a 30 mil uh machine gun on top looking like from an automatic turret here we see a second one sitting here now the reason I just want to talk about this is I think we’re going see a lot more Vehicles like this pop up high highly mobile fast compared to say a tank armored to light arms but with a lot of Firepower on top because a drone from what we’re seeing will do the same to this as as to a tank so you’re sa what you’re sacrificing by having a tank if the if the if the anti-tank munition does the same to something like this why not then have that Mobility it’s a little bit like you’ll see some soldiers back I could have a bigger body armor plate it’s going to do the same thing it’s just going to be heavier I’ll sacrifice some protection for the mobility we’ve tried bigger guns on top of some of our vehicles and it was actually peeling the top layer here uh between the windows and the roof on some of the very similar vehicles to this that Australia had so there’s some problems there just because of how much recoil these have with you know it’s not going to be inches thick armor on the top probably unrelated but I just thought thought I’d say that that’s weird we’ve had problems with that as well now let’s have a look at some GE locations and what is happening so let’s have a look at the maps of course here in the center we have Ukraine the capital of ke the red area is occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 now the first place I want to go is of course we didn’t have a map update yesterday but we did have a map shift then yesterday so look at this blue down here kinar Forest out of here now we see then if it will load the red hasn’t shifted in here but the gray has filled in with a Ukrainian advancement up in here we the video before this we spoke about a Ukrainian boat that we saw traveling down the dones River here so we see that and now we see this filling in and this is being then confirmed by suriak Maps here as well basically the exact same location here during the last hours Ukraine Army managed to recapture series positions at the seresco doneski National Park from the Russian army so successful Ukrainian advancement in this direction to get an idea of this just above sers Cella harfa in here now let’s have a look at some areas some other strikes and some Fabs now the first place I want to talk is in the similar area but is about New York so to find New York we’re still on the east of Ukraine but we go between bumot and a diva areas which you’ll be very familiar with in this front tesque New York this front in here called the tesque front sometimes we call the New York front but this is what I’m meaning now what we have seen over the past few days if this will load is Russia has had some major advancement out of here now something I should have mentioned and I didn’t so you see that this filled up the days prior just between here and then this was on then the 29th let’s step up today we don’t see change we have seen some change down in here but what I missed and what I should have said was important about this particular movement is of course this purple like we said in the beginning this has been defended since 2014 so the lines which have fallen in here they have been defended built up since 2014 so this is a very important movement any movement in or out of these areas is very very substantial and something we need to then report on so we know now down in here that there is some movement but one thing Russia has done is it does look like Russia has moved it’s targeting of those Fab 3,000 those 3 ton Glide bombs from hariv actually down into this axis so let’s have a look at some footage have a look at what lky has said and some other pieces in here so we have then this this is a Fab 3000 apparently Landing in New York I don’t have a geolocation on this but we see major explosive here under then the thermal of course anything you want to see more on this will be on the telegram as well it’s posted by Russian Pages Russian pages uh reporting air strike Fab 3000 with glide kit on the control the first mechanized Battalion blah blah blah New York so what I’d say in here and this follows the Russian Doctrine is massive artillery and to be honest I’m sort of putting those Fabs as the work of artillery as well under you know medium range fires soften up targets and then you have the push through there and that is what Ukraine is saying Russia is doing as well massive massive fires destroying everything and then pushing in ground forces further we also have more footage here I’m not sure how much I can show you of this but we can see there are some Ukrainian soldiers fleeing out of here after we saw some shelling on positions here now this is important and relates to this because we get a geolocation down to just here now we’ll just have a look at the shape of this tree line of which it is sitting and you sort of get this like scorpion looking one here so let’s Zoom down in here scorpion looking one tree line in here so these positions that are getting targeted at just down about where my cursor is on the New York axis so we know there’s sort of two main axes in here there’s one pushing up to New York on this we can see the gray Zone shift out in here as well as this push into tety is why I believe we’ll be talking about these areas more and more now into the future particularly with Russia advancing out on this oer have div front towards this intersection jeopardizing some of these Supply roads down into here from constantina as well we see this is chiv y back moot front where Russia is trying to push in this direction then this area in here will be looking at a hell of a lot more due to the fires and the logistical supply issues that may become apparent in here so just keep an eye on that but let’s actually then line up these maps in here so we’ll come down here to front we see this same push out near Shi Z that then the Deep state is shown Russian army managed to break through new defensive Ukrainian Army at pivi and skirting the landfill and tacons penetra to peni along this axis until they reached then this street so pushing in in basically the same location that we can see deep state is reporting maybe just a little bit more down to the South here but as well similar area have seen that move and like we spoke about it is important due to some of these positions have been there for now 10 years now speaking on those Glide bombs a hell of a lot have come in so zinsky is reporting that Russia used 800 guided aerial bombs against Ukraine in just one week that is more than 100 a day Ukraine needs necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs including Russian combat aircraft so just combat aircraft they Ukraine needs a ability to strike that aircraft striking the guided bombs in the air is not reasonable when you consider there’s 800 a week coming in there’s not that many air defense missiles in the world you need to be hitting or at least uh have the threat of hitting those bombers in the air so they can’t then drop them clear decision made to help protect our people clear decisions are needed to help protect our people longrange strikes modern air defenses are the foundation of stopping the daily Russian Terror so not only air defenses hitting them in the air but longrange strikes to hit those bombers on the ground or not hit them but if they’re under threat they may have to push them back and it may not be as useful on the ground but though the last few months this year the Fabs have been making a a huge impact on all areas of the front line now while we’re speaking down in this area let’s then talk about the adiva front the osney so we see then on the Ukrainian deep state map here we do see major advancements from Russia in this direction if we get an idea let’s measure to here about 2.23 then kilm that is Major in a day but again what I’ve spoken about every time in here I know sound like a broken record but from the guys I speak to on the ground these open areas these are so hard to for Russia to push into it’d be a death trap it’s also very hard for Ukraine to defend it’s open area there’s trench systems in the tree lines that I think will’ll see Russia push on and this is what we’re seeing the axes that of course have towns on them in these directions of which I’m drawing and then we will see Ukraine step back at some point I believe to another defensive line back here very very similar to what we saw then Ukraine do out of adiva for to that defensive line of sea bchi and then we know the other defensive line sits back here the problem is as this moves up it of course means that Ukrainian artillery Russ moves rearward Russian Artillery then moves forward putting areas like poov then into potential Firing Line depending how far this moves up as well as potential for then the Fabs so let’s talk about adiva and we have some J loated footage in here but this has been released today but I question whether it will just because it’s been released today we don’t know exactly when it was filmed so let’s have a look it’s Joc down to here so see this intersection out of here this road o here so we have OSHA this and the road right here so we’re speaking right down in here where this is and what we can see by this footage is then a Ukrainian tank in here firing directly on the then Russian positions we see then the Ukrainian tank then withdraw out of here after many shots fired and then we then do see just at the end here then the Russian troops making making a withdrawal then out of here very interesting footage it’ll be on the telegram if you’d like to see the only reason I questioned when this was was this tank is working a long way behind the lines if we take it of today say two kilm so I’m not saying it’s not I’m just saying I question exactly when it wasn’t impossible then to know but it’s been released today you get my drift so let’s talk about the adiva front and what changes we have seen so let’s look on the Surak map in this area up here of course this is so killed by this red dot down here and of course this red dot noen j RKA I can’t pronounce it but we can see the front line here to me is looking basically the exactly the same Shar between these Maps so I yep take that as that is exactly where the front is so let’s pick up from adiva we’re going to be a little bit all over the map today but then we’ll talk of course about V Chans now this map isn’t moving at all what we do know is this is basically the only map that I can see that actually shows there is this disconnect by the Russians in here as well now it’s been like this well over a week if you had a disconnection of 400 troops in here there’s no way that still be able to be self-sufficient in here now let’s go into this uh video that I released this morning show some very interesting footage of where the the Russians are operating in here and I pointed out on this this guy has active human protection cry airframe helmet that’s the same helmet I use I still believe you buying a helmet by a cry airframe they’re a bit older now but I’m still the most comfortable one I’ve ever had uh and they breathe a bit better uh but very very expensive helmet up that’s the reason I don’t own one myself only they got issued one and I believe a Mystery rench Pack better GE so we’re believing some level of SF or contractors working in here as well we then had the GE location to where these guys are running under incredibly heavy fire and that then this is J located to here so behind where this line says the Russians are in Blue by the isw but definitely in Gray Zone in urban Warfare gry Zone should be massive like the gray Zone to my eye in here should just basically be this whole area of gry Zone but where this is is the building sits basically right where my cursor is in here just to get an idea because this map isn’t moving now we saw a suriak map the other day and we we looked at that that showed blue movement into here that where Ukraine is making Grand in the center of V chunk and then we have then in the same position where we got this video from the red moving back from chiv AIS the Russian army recaptured positions north of ofon enter the first high buildings of corala street so the high buildings I believeing he’s using that footage to show them that Movement Like I said I I believe in urban fighting it it would be interesting to get like okay this should be like dark red this should be like a grayy red a grayy blue and then Bluey green like if that makes sense like okay this is contested but Russia have the most amount of control here or this contestant Ukraine have the most ban of control here but fully like nothing in here is completely controlled if that makes sense in urban fighting it can be incredibly incredibly three-dimensional changing of course day today that’s why I have said and attritional warfare Doctrine lines with this if you want to troops down on the other side you don’t do that entering into Street to Street battles in a city where it’s shooter on shooter you do it by medium to long range fight uh fires so that that’s my point out of the doctrine of what people are saying on Twitter with no military experience or pointing to doesn’t fit what I believe is trying to then be achieved by the Ukrainian side that that’s my take on it if you wanted to attri the Russians in here have defensive Works have here have them push down wear them out as they’re coming forward and have tactical withdrawals into other positions rather than pushing to an urban environment like this you see from that footage that it’s going to be whoever’s the first one on that on that Bloody trigger finger is going to be walking away from it I don’t know it’ll be it’ll be very interesting to see what happens in here but I think so much could be jeopardized by trying to plug every hole at once too I know I sound like a broken bloody record now let’s just push to the east of here just just a little bit we have the better stove St mka front in here now another Ukrainian map is showing a Russian advancement in here this map is they not this is the Noel reports now this is not easy to see but I’ll line some things up see this tree line and then this one this is said sort of dog leg tree line so he’s showing on his map up to these tree lines into just the first areas of St mka that Russians have had then an advancement today now let’s move down a little bit more we’ll ignore or some of the other areas in here because we haven’t seen much changes now where we need to come down into is just to the north of turn we have neski in here or nki and then we do have that Surak is showing that Russians have had an advancement in this front so what we can see see this Paddock and this one these are these two paddocks lining up through to this area in here so this same is shown as either gray or red on this map but he’s saying that it’s filled in down here by a major Russian advancement down in here nki and novas sov as a result of positional battles with Ukrainian Army so he’s showing a lot of movement down in here along these fronts not yet shown on this map we’ll keep an eye on what is happening down in here now we’ll ignore this area as we have talked about it we come down into Ros deiva here where we do believe this map is behind because we’re getting other Ukrainian Maps such as Noel reports showing significantly different here but these two maps do show different from each other so Noel reports is showing from a few days ago that Russians have come up both the train line This is the train line and these outer Eastern blocks of Ros deliva in here and have had some control what he does show though is down to the East and the South here even a bit less than maybe the map here so it’s hard to get an idea but Ros deliva we do believe that the Russians are in that front and this is then backed up further more by suriak maps in here but what he is showing is that Ros deliva has come under complete control of the Russian forces up to where this train line see this Loop out this is the train line in here as well Russian army managed to capture the remaining parts of but taking part over North and Western trenches so the maps will line up here going to be an O and suriak so let’s look Ros deliva Ros deliva hard to get an idea what we do know is most likely the Russians are in there how much has been taken again that is something you guys can argue over but we don’t see any real changes shifts in here we don’t see anything around bumot the reporting is weird about Buck moot there’s both I’ve seen both Ukrainian and Russians reporting that Russians are pulling back and hitting this with to uh thermobaric multi- launchers which we have seen footage of as well trying to further soften this up that they have pulled back okay more fires in and then redeploy some more ground troops into here but we have seen some geoc stuff of some Russians around in these Forest areas too so again I’m trying to get the best idea of what exactly is happening in here but it’ll come in time eventually in time more and more will be cleared up now it’ll come down this Eastern front to the South sort of Corner in here and this nay livka constantina this ugad front of course very important area was still is this road that connects these fronts in here as well as it feeds the logistical supply of other areas through constan Nivia see this road connects to here and supplies down into areas like vodan and UL now no changes shown on this map but if we then bring up the Surak he shows difference in some of the gray Zone and some pushes in here so we’re just looking at where this Reservoir is and basically Surak is showing what the Deep State show as Gray he’s showing as red controlled to just in this area and to the north of that Reservoir again putting fires on this road will have an effect down to the southwest of here now no changes in Ur aoty in here this is this is an informational war in here I even see Ukrainian accounts calling out Ukrainian media saying no we have J located footage of Russians in here from weeks ago working in here as well as the incident with someone shooting another person on the ground it’s still unknown if that was a prisoner or a friendly Soldier but that was way out on here so the gray Zone in here at least some of it is most definitely probably red maybe not to the extent Surak shows here but we still know definitely some of it then is so let’s come down here or boty this won’t be easy to front see this dog leg out left this is said dog leg and we see these paddocks and where Surak is showing see where these run on an angle in here that he is showing right up into about here is under then Rush control so this Paddock this is this Paddock so yeah he’s showing that this is basically looking something like this now I believe it’s not that far but I believe it’s probably something more like this from what I’ve seen other accounts other maps of which we don’t bring up but he also talks there’s been some over on then the vovi axis here as well that zap front a week ago Russian army managed to advance the northeast of a botney and the aim of reducing the Salient to the east locality uh during the last few days Russian forces began to press from the East with heavy fighting with Ukrainian Army there now the reason I believe this is an informational battle in here for both Russia and Ukraine is this is one of the areas where Ukraine took High losses on the Long awaited offensive last year and was a lot of eyes on here as well as the defensive Works in here and if Russia is able to or was able to recapture these positions that were gained that of course will have an effect but we will see and like I say with everything time will tell exactly what is going to happen and what is happening of course even in the future not everything will be fully answered for decades if ever anyway Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day look after yourself and I’ll speak to you tomorrow maybe actually I I got to make a decision on something okay see you byebye

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G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

Engineer Video – https://youtu.be/4GqjRqCqLA0

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Nice. I like the jacket, appealing to the conservative peepa but almost not quite, as your typical US conservstive would in a suit suit

  2. You are praying to god to get that possible destroyed s500 footage which has been claimed well before 72 hours but when you see a Russian drone showing Ukraine logistics destroyed you tell us to take it with a grain of salt….hats off man

  3. Man, I had a really simple thought and can't think why it wouldn't work. If the Ukies built a hand full of fortifications, then pointed their artillery at it and retreated, couldn't they just blow them away??? Then, rinse and repeat? they'd give a little land away but the damage would be insurmountable if it was executed well.

  4. I thank you for telling us information you receive about battles, troop movements, and missile attacks from both sides, most channels just show Ukrainian forces charging away winning every battle destroying MBT's APC's and at start shooting down Russian jets helicopters with manpads, Russia always takeing huge losses Ukraine minimum, this is impossible in this kind of war, if Ukrainian forces are inflicting heavy losses they have to taking heavy losses also, its all crazy Willy they need a ceasefire try organize peace talks get the wounded civilians and soldiers sorted, find the fallen and give them a hero's burial on both sides, alot of Russians are been conned into combat.🇮🇪☘️

  5. Russia run out of man power or weapons ahkay go take a look a history and have a rethink 😂 unfortunately they don't run out check German 6th army they thought that too… Went well….

  6. Watch , military summary, Scott Ritter, Col Douglas MacGregor, Larry Johnson, Jackson Hinkle for the truth on this War.

  7. Long live the freedom of free people and god bless a Russian people for freedom uprising and find freedom to join the free world. Free Putin from this earth and free the people of Russia from Putin

  8. Oh noes, an S-500 might be gone! What about the other ten that rolled out of the factory on the same day, and the day after, and the day after….. how are all those ones doing? Only a damn hollywood would think one lone system getting blown up would move any needle in any direction anywhere.

  9. It's clear that Russian Military objectives are based around the Transportation networks which I've noticed weeks ago While a (certain) Gum Salesman kept talking about "roads to nowhere" Willy is for the most part at least responsible during his presentations . If Russia is following it's Military Doctrine on the use of artillery it also cant be using "meatwave' tactics

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