Lone Russian machine gunner loses a leg after being hit by an FPV drone of the Strike Drones Company (47 OMBr)

Lone Russian machine gunner loses a leg after being hit by an FPV drone of the Strike Drones Company (47 OMBr)

by Evening_Run_8536

  1. He looked well equipped and motivated. Good to see the Ukrainians knocking them out.

  2. I have to admit that the 47th have taken “The Goriest Video” crown from the 110th especially since theirs are mostly in HD.

  3. Man, I have seen so many close-ups of Russians in their most horrifying and often final moments.

  4. That lone man’s intent looked a lot different before the drone appeared. Lol, humbled.

  5. Out in no mans land alone, getting his leg blown off, half his body in water. I do hope for him that he ended it quickly somehow

  6. I feel deep sorrow for his suffering and hope his passing was quick and painless. It’s hard to believe they went there willingly; they must have been coerced into fighting. This senseless war, driven by false information, must end, and Russia cannot be allowed to win this aggressive invasion. Rest in peace, poor soul. Glory to Ukraine!

  7. Its interesting that these comparatively well equipped troops, wearing much more modern and western gear than many we see, are still being sent out with a 1940’s rubber TQ, as seen in the mg grenade drop video.

    That boy was still leaking with the piece of shit bicycle inner-tube tied on his leg because theres no windlass, no way to get mechanical advantage.

    This guy might as-well just crawl into yhe water, he’s done for.

    Shoulda stayed at home assholes.

  8. He will mumify in swamp and archeologist will find him after 2000 years in perfect shape.

  9. Born too late to fight in ww2

    Born too early to fight in ww3

    Born at just the right time to watch Russians dying by the thousands

  10. For what reason is he lone though? What was the eventual fate for this soldier you think? Is there no medic nearby?

  11. Thanks for messing with our elections, here is your very small repayment. Signed, The West & Ukraine.

  12. New entrant for “one legged man in an ass kicking contest” thanks to Vlady

  13. I say we bring back real war.. line up.. and with a drummer and flutes and fucking run at each other. Swards and arm shields. Anything else is a war crime.

  14. “Lone Russian machine gunner” doesn’t seem like an effective fighting force (even without the drone chasing him).

  15. Sometimes i couldn’t believe these videos are real. My brain couldn’t accept these brutality. Damn. 

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