California bans restaurant service fees. Then immediately reinstates them.

Photo above – California governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill prohibiting hidden consumer fees. It takes effect today. Then immediately signed another bill, specifically exempting restaurants. And they say Biden and Trump are "cognitively impaired", lol . . .

This why people hate politicians. They’re constantly passing new laws that contradict each other. Case in point: California. See links below to “SB478” and “SB1524”

This all started when someone was outraged at hidden service fees appearing on California restaurant receipts. And the outrage was justified. Adding a last-minute surcharge is deceptive pricing. It allows a company to advertise one price, but charge something higher at the last moment. Luring in customers under false pretenses.

Hence, Senate Bill 478, which makes those surcharges illegal. And it goes into effect TODAY . . . July 1, 2024.

Except that it doesn’t. Now enter Senate Bill 1524, which REINSTATES those hidden restaurant fees. It was signed into law two days ago (June 29th) by Governor Newsom, as an "emergency”.

What’s the emergency? Well, it’s NOT – as some pundits have suggested – that Newsom and other politicians have investments in various California eateries. Of course, they actually DO have such investments, but they already voted for that burger flipper $20 minimum wage. Which probably led to some of the hidden restaurant surcharges. But that’s a rant for some other day.

SB 1524 is MUCH worse. It’s about protecting politicians'' campaign cash flow, in an election year. What’s worse? An $11.31 surcharge added to your burger and fries ticket? Or PRETENDING to make those fees go away, then stealthily reinstating them to vacuum up campaign contributions and hang onto your elected office? This isn’t a trick question, unless you’re ethically challenged.

I don’t live in California. But if I did, I’m pretty sure I could figure out which restaurants were ripping me off. And stop going there. And tell my friends. Restaurants which DO play by the rules deserve my patronage. Now politicians are saying there are no rules. Or at least, that the rules can always change, as long as it keeps campaign money flowing into their offices. "Billions and Billions served". . .

I’m just sayin’ . . .

~SB 478 – Hidden Fees | State of California – Department of Justice – Office of the Attorney General~

~California law lets restaurants, bars charge service fees if posted – Los Angeles Times (

by baltimore-aureole

  1. Newsom is destroying California and people better start paying attention to what he’s been up to, because he seems to have higher ambitions.

    It’s scary how many democrats have suggested he replace Biden. He’d be even worse.

  2. From reading the articles yoy posted, it looks like the second bill reinstated fees for services that aren’t restaurants, like ticketmaster fees, resort fees, etc. Not sure how Gavin having some McDonald’s stock would explain why he wants to make sure airbnb can still ding you with fees.

  3. I don’t understand why some people want him to replace Biden as the presidential candidate.

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