Lovers tiff

Lovers tiff

by BelfastBodyBuilder

  1. The United unbreakable Union of ulster unionists…

    Add in more union and words like treachery, and a fucktonne of hating Irish people, and converting your lungs to run on self hatred and not oxygen.

    Congratulations you can now speak Jimmish

  2. From “Solemn League and Covenant” to “United Unionist Declaration of Unalterable Rejection of the Protocol.” A century in unionism.

  3. Surely, if it were one unionist per seat, then TUV wouldn’t be getting a look in?

    Does he think he has a chance of winning a seat?

  4. Aye sound one Jim. Based on recent polling that puts you on for 4% of the seats. Let’s round that down and you would still have the same number of MPs.

    Between this and Ron McDowell’s tweet at the weekend, I think they are circling the wagons for the DUP losing some seats and the TUV getting the blame.

  5. Anyone else really jarred reading that because you read it in aul Jim’s voice?

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