Britons would be more upset by a 2024 Sunak win than they would have been by a 2019 Corbyn triumph

Britons would be more upset by a 2024 Sunak win than they would have been by a 2019 Corbyn triumph

by eleanor_james

  1. Well no shit, Corbyn ran on a platform of nationalising the energy and water companies, heavy investing in the NHS various other nationalising schemes.

    What’s happened in the last 5 years? The water looks and tastes like poo and energy prices have gone through the roof, invest in the NHS just before a pandemic wow imagine what that would have been like. Not to mention all of the cronyism that the conservatives pulled.

    Now I’m not saying it was all sunshine and daisies, there’s a good chance he probably wouldn’t have supported Ukraine as heavily as floppy hair stuff as many fivers in his pockets as possible while being pm but good comes with the bad.

  2. 3% of people intending to vote Tory would be “disappointed” or “dismayed” by a Tory win. 21% more would be indifferent. That seems bizarre. Is that maybe tactical voters wanting a different government but having to vote Tory to stop some other party they think is worse?

  3. That’s interesting. My guess would be that this is coming from those who pay a bit of attention to the news, but aren’t really into following politics, taking more of a casual interest.

    2019 Corbyn was up against Johnson, who had a clear message that evidently appealed to a lot of people, and all he had to offer were things like free broadband, nationalisation etc. Quite a few of those policies polled well individually, but as a whole they came across as unrealistic, and he didn’t manage to pull them together into a coherent message. That would have put people off voting for him, but being a bit idealistic and unrealistic didn’t really make casually interested people feel dismayed at him getting into power.

    Sunak, on the other hand, is not only failing to have a coherent policy platform and message, but is also dealing with the fact that most people have just had enough of the Tories. We can see the country is in a terrible state after 14 years of them, and Sunak has failed to make a clean enough break with the past to convince people that he offers any change. If he’d actually kept his promises of “integrity, professionalism and accountability”, he might have been able to pull it off (or at least not be looking at such a catastrophic defeat), but he was too weak, there have been more scandals, so he’s just coming across as more of the same. And even those people who only take a casual interest are rightly feeling dismayed at the prospect of “more of the same”.

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