Die Ukraine lässt Tausende Gefangene frei, damit sie sich dem Kampf gegen Russland anschließen können

Die Ukraine lässt Tausende Gefangene frei, damit sie sich dem Kampf gegen Russland anschließen können


  1. In the United States there are thousands of young men who, in lieu of going to prison, choose to go into the armed forces, and are granted that opportunity by a Judge.

    Slava Ukraine

    EDIT: jfc the amount of contrarian comments without a shred of evidence. I love to learn. Challenge the fuck outta me. But to come in here and say, “No, that’s not right” but offer absolutely fuck all to show how it isn’t right, earns you a block. ffs


  2. Poignant photos accompanying this article, so much so I was inspired to look up the photographer: Evgeniy Maloletka. This was the photo journalist who won the World Press photo of the year not long ago.

  3. Wasn’t Russia heavily criticised for this? Are we now going to pretend it is okay because Ukraine is doing it?

  4. Hopefully they won’t torture and execute Russian POW (even though I’m sure some of them deserve it)

  5. Friend of mine joined the US Marines this way–judge said he could go into the armed services or go to prison. He chose the former, and then became a firefighter after he got out.

  6. so when russians did this, it was unspeakable

    not ukraine does it and it’s an amazing idea and ackshully the US military does it soooo now it’s good!

    (the us militsry doesn’t do this, fyi)

  7. We have so many examples of how one should prepare for a long, industrialized war and yet, it took Ukraine so much time to take this step.

    There’s definitely room for improvement.

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