Black journalist removed from Reform UK rally by security

Black journalist removed from Reform UK rally by security

by loonongrass

  1. Why exactly is his race relevant? Race baiters should be removed at all opportunities.

  2. I’m not a big fan of Femi, but if he has the credentials and paid his entry, he should have every right to report on the event. Given how conspiracy tinged all the Reform chatter has become these last few days, it’s funny that they themselves are the ones banning journalists from reporting the truth.

  3. I’m no fan of reform UK but can understand why they didn’t let him in.

    He’s a well known and vocal anti Brexit activist trying to attend a rebranded Brexit party rally and I highly doubt he was there for Journalistic reasons.

  4. Ah ‘Black journalist’ in the title, just race baity enough to sway voters while maintaining plausible deniability.

    Bravo u/theindependentonline

  5. Am I the only one who thinks he got kicked out cos he was black? If he was white he would have been asked to kindly leave.

  6. So reading the article, Mr Oluwole is indeed Black. And a vocal anti-Brexit activist. He was given no reason why he was excluded, so it could have been either of these things or even some third, undisclosed, reason. But the article goes straight to assuming the “it is because I am Black” explanation.

    Incidentally, a press card is a form of ID. It’s not a magical “access all areas” warrant that means you can’t be denied entry to any place or gathering that you want to enter.

    Please don’t take this as me supporting Reform UK. It’s more about calling out shoddy journalism by The Independent.

  7. The “journalist” in “black journalist” doing a lot of lifting there. “black anti-brexit twitter activist” not so headline friendly I suppose

  8. Bit of a non-story really.

    It’s obvious to me as that as a political activist and Co-founder of a pro-European Union advocacy group, in addition to having previously had a run-in with Richard Tice of Reform in 2019 where the two had a falling out that Femi wasn’t wanted at a Reform UK rally by those involved in organising it.

    The colour of his skin is irrelevant to the matter.

    I think it was the wrong move for him to be removed as it plays into the hands of people wanting to paint Reform negatively, although I am unsure of Femi’s motives for being there – presumably it was in order to criticise Reform. For the sake of freedom of the press he should have been allowed entry however.

    The article seems a bit snide as it implies he was removed for being black, whereas I don’t believe this was the case.

    I’m voting Labour before anyone accuses me of defending Reform.

  9. Reform are getting a lot of media coverage for a party expected to barely win any seats. Maybe people in the know think they’re doing better than polls suggest.

  10. Tbf they would’ve removed O’Brien if he’d have turned up too. Anyone who has been terminally online post 2016 knows why Reform wouldn’t want Femi there, and it has little to do with his skin colour l.

  11. Prediction is that Femi, a known left-wing activist (not journalist), was not behaving very well. There are thousands of videos of centrist or right-wing journalists & activists being treated with hostility at left-wing rallies/protests often without provocation. So it’s funny to see them using the same tactics. I have no doubt the “black” in the title is just race baiting, and I suspect the activist has planned this from the start to smear Reform.

    Well after looking at his video, it looks like they didn’t let a known left-wing activist into a private venue. Should they? Shouldn’t they? Up for debate, but quite a non-story.

  12. Sounds like the reform party is the national front reforming. Ban this party under the terrorist acts lol

  13. Femi is one of those Japanese soldiers that thought they were still at war until the 1960’s

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