What are the common garden area called and rules for using them


I live in a apartment and we have such common garden area. What are they called in German?

And is it allowed to use them for parties? Eg. I am planning to host 10 people for a small baby shower function. Am confused if its allowed. I have never seen any such parties happening there but kids play there.

by Evening_Mouse_9582

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  2. It’s called a common garden area, but in German.

    Check your contract if it actually is a common area or not. It might not be for common use. Check with your landlord otherwise.

  3. > Eg. I am planning to host 10 people for a small baby shower function. 

    The easiest would be to ask your neighbors.

  4. Gemeinschaftsgarten, or often also simply Innenhof if the garden is in the inner courtyard.

    The rules depend on your landlord, in general, parties are not well-liked. Your rental contract should say something about the rules if it is indeed a common area. If it doesn’t, ask your landlord.

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