Small Romanian city before and after EU funds

Small Romanian city before and after EU funds

by Yama_Dipula

  1. The street on the first picture became twice as narrow, yet there’s even less greenery? Also, sad about the architecture losing its characteristic details (e.g. second picture). As much as it looks tidier, cleaner and renovated, I think the cities should also put some effort into keeping the distinctive details of architectural periods.

    Edit: grammar

  2. It’s almost like the funds were used properly for infrastructure upgrades

  3. Every time I hear people in my country bitch about EU regulations I wanna take them on a walk through my town and show them all the buildings with EU fund plaques.

  4. Oh shit it’s Resita.

    I think it’s a bit disingenuous to post this as being an EU thing. The success of Resita is down to the mayor popa, he works hard and he is always pushing hard to redevelop things. That said he gets criticism for the state of the hospital and services in the town.

    There is also criticism that a lot of the projects are focused on infrastructure to get you somewhere like the tram but the destination hasn’t really been improved enough to make you want to visit.

    Recently some have complained that many workers are not Romanian with many being from Asia but I don’t know how true that is.

    While EU money has helped I think the success has really been the mayor getting people onboard to agree and go alone with these ideas. He generally seems to care about Resita and people’s lives there, though perhaps he spends money on projects that are easy to spot rather than places that need the money more.

    Edit: Got his name confused with Vali Popovici which is a YouTube channel posting news in Resita.

  5. Damn you guys actually used the funds for infrastructure instead of lining the pockets of those on top?

  6. This happens when you have an honest mayor.

    Resita, Oradea, Timisoara, Bacau are good examples in Romania!

  7. I was blown away from Poland after seeing it the second time 10 years later

  8. If only most local politicians would bother using EU funds for developing their cities that would be great. But unfortunately most romanian politicians don’t use EU funds because they can’t pocket them

  9. why is belgium still looking so shitty? We also have EU fund…but we spend it on doing a tram in liege for 10+years

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