View from the top of a bonfire, it’s a long way down

View from the top of a bonfire, it’s a long way down

View from the top of a bonfire, it’s a long way down
byu/BitterProgress innorthernireland

by BitterProgress

  1. Would be a terrible place to have a fall…

    “Don’t play with fire” n all that

  2. How many pallets you reckon? Just looked up the price they are between £5 and £15 pounds each.

    So let’s say a fiver each pallet on average.

    Estimations? 😄

    Edit: hacker news put the 2021 Larne bonfire ar 17,000 pallets.

    That’s an £85,000 bonfire right there. Minus the Labour 😅

  3. Genuine question. Are there any hardcore loyalist environmentalists willing to speak up.

    Where do you stand on this sort of stuff?

    Do you compromise your loyalism for environmental reasons? Or compromise your environmental principles for your loyalism?

  4. Can’t get my head around why? Literally everybody on the planet could do it but don’t because it’s so stupid and dangerous and Literally destroys where you live. Don’t like using the work but nothing else fits the bill like retarded

  5. And now if ye would all like to climb into it before it lights … at wud b gr8.

    What a waste of time and wood. But shows ye where we are at. This will still be happening in 50 years. Brainless.

  6. All those stolen Chep pallets. Thousands of pounds worth of stolen goods, and it’s normal.

  7. Bit silly when everything points to a unified Ireland in the future.

  8. What’s the pallets sticking out for?

    Anyone willing to stand on top of that and work away without a safety harness is stupid

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