Estland sagt, es könne einem russischen Angriff „ein paar Wochen“ standhalten, bevor die NATO eintrifft

Estland sagt, es könne einem russischen Angriff „ein paar Wochen“ standhalten, bevor die NATO eintrifft

  1. Bring back conscription. All men and women. 

     Ha thanks for the downvotes, you keep coping help will come in 2 weeks. 

    You see how Ukraine is being bled dry slowly by not doing a full mobilization, but alas you cant even learn from others mistakes.

     Matrim why would i sign up to defend another country. You couldn’t pay me enough.

  2. The plan is that NATO would observe a similar build up to invasion that we saw with Ukraine. Then before hostilities commenced NATO would move forces into the country until such time as the period of heightened tension has passed.

    So all this talk of holding out is irrelevant.

  3. I am curious how long they would have thought they could hold out before the Ukraine war started

  4. NATO already has a presence in Estonia, Europe isn’t tiny but it’s not that large or difficult to transverse…

  5. How long until key nato member states are in the hands of right-wing Russia-supported parties and individuals? Maybe Putin is just biding his time until he can be sure there won’t be any interference

  6. Isn’t eastonia in nato already? Why would they have to wait for them to arrive? What’s the point of being afraid of Putin expanding further if you aren’t actively trying to prepare for it?

  7. Nah, Russia will keep feeding trolls to enhance the political flakiness of the west. Why use military when TikTok works?

  8. That whole region has a huge amount of US Army SF trained personnel, they would be an absolute terror of a nation to try to occupy. Responding NATO forces would be coordinating with “partisans” who are trained to and above NATO standards and have worked hand in hand with US and British forces for nearly 20 years. Every soft target the Russians have will be at risk. Ukraine wasn’t ready, and didn’t have the guys with the experience ready to go, that’s not the case with Estonia and Latvia. Theirs no need to train them up, they already know the weapon systems, they know how to work in hostile environments, and a chunk of them also spent their careers trying to teach Afghans how to be soldiers, it’s going to be easier when it’s your own people, speaking your language, and actually motivated to fight.

  9. Every Estonian soldier would have to kill, injure, or stop 5-10 Russian soldiers.

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