The reality of living in Ibiza: Workers sleeping in vans due to high cost of rent

The reality of living in Ibiza: Workers sleeping in vans due to high cost of rent

by Logibenq

  1. And yet, according to EE users, it’s communism I am supposed to be scared about.

  2. Is there anywhere that doesn’t have a housing crisis right now? Vienna is the only place that comes to mind. Literally everywhere else seems to be in crisis

  3. Then the government should build more housing/permit more housing to be built.

  4. In the Cycladic islands and other tourists’ hotspots the greek media have reported some, almost funny if not sad, cases of teachers: one was sleeping inside his car or others were sleeping in the beaches due to the non existent housing or the crazy prices. The mayor of Myconos last year promised he would fund housing for the teachers but Idk what happened ultimately.

    I remember reading an article about some workers in tourism that were given by their bosses accomodation to some caves! The prices there, even for food and the basic needs, are truly outrageous for the wage of the regular doctor and teacher, who are sent by the state with a basic wage, without being asked if they can afford to or without receiving any financial help. 

  5. Money is actually just paper and belief that there is some value while exchanging. If inflation goes to an extend where only some people can afford basic things, the concept of money will collapse. Most people will become poor and go back to barter system.

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