Zelenskyy: Ukraine Out-Killing Russia 6 to 1!

Zelenskyy: Ukraine Out-Killing Russia 6 to 1!

Linsky has claimed that Ukrainian forces are out killing the Russians by a ratio of 6 to1 this sounds Preposterous but it might just be grounded in reality we’re going to take a look at all that plus Putin’s strategy that frankly doesn’t seem to mind these casualties I’m going to break it all down let’s get right into it okay so this was interesting it’s an interview with zalinski with the Philadelphia Inquirer where he said he came out and and said that Russian forces indeed have many more people and he said we care for our people more which I think he’s indicating that their Ukraine is more guarded in when they take casualties um because they will never have the same level of forces on the battlefield as the Russians um zinsky said that before Ukrainian forces were out out killing the Russians by about 4 to1 but now that is 6 to1 uh it and he cited poov and harie now here’s the thing let’s what he’s talking about is that in those two directions uh Russia has been pursuing a very specific strategy we’ll call it and that is that for example in har right Russia attempted to reinvade essentially um from the north right so Russia has been on offense so to to speak trying to push the ukrainians back in turn Ukrainian forces are increasingly uh focusing on casualties first so while Ukrainian forces are very being very very deliberate with counterattacks uh Russian forces are basically continually always charging at them it’s a little bit like a zombie movie uh in fact some Ukrainian soldiers in interviews kind of compare it to that where there’s always going to be these forces pushing at you um there are Contin targets and they continually get taken out but there’s just another round coming at you the next day the result is that Ukrainian forces remain in relatively defensible positions while the the Russians leave defensible positions exposing themselves to casualties and the scale that this has happened is incredible one report had an entire Airborne Brigade has supposedly been taken out just in vens right this one Russian the largest city that’s kind of caught up in this Russian um non-offensive near harke um pooves I believe is uh near chv Yar a similar area where there’s been a lot of fighting taking place um and again the same story is playing out where you’re seeing Russian forces uh going on offense pushing really really really hard um and leaving secure areas exposing themselves to Fire and the ukrainians just punishing them for it um so again when Ukraine is focused pivoted to this casualties first strategy um it unsurprisingly has inflicted more casualties uh this is again in contrast to Putin’s strategy we’re going to talk about the reality whether or not zsk is full of it and what Putin is focusing on but if you want to see some of the footage that I’m talking about from this fighting particularly we just did a breakdown of some of the fighting invol Chens from the Russian perspective that video is dropping tomorrow on combat fit 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DPR and LPR Vagner group and others um as you know Vagner group took about 20,000 killed and about 40,000 wounded uh just while they existed um but Vagner was always willing to fight in this what’s become the norm now this High casualty High infantry attrition um scenario right you could see the ukrainians though they have their own estimates that skew pretty high and and they have an incentive to right the French actually have a much larger estimate with 350,000 wounded and 150,000 killed again they’re using the same 3:1 ratio but a little higher the UK also believes this is about in line with the French estimate about half a million killed and wounded um again the US I trust the us estimate because we spend so much money infiltrating State actors that I think these stats are likely correct right I the us estimate I put the most faith in um the ukrainians have an incentive uh to Hype the numbers um again Ukrainian saying half over half a million troops in Ukraine have been lost which killed plus wounded putting the Russian wound total at like two a little under 200,000 which seems within the realm of possibility um but seems also kind of unlikely but but here’s the thing does Putin care that’s the real story the answer is no Putin doesn’t care not just because he’s a dictator who doesn’t actually have free and fair elections so doesn’t have to answer to the people but Putin doesn’t care because this is this isn’t an in this isn’t a bug it is a feature of his strategy right he is going to be charging these soldiers into ukrainians that is that is not an accidental outcome that is the outcome that he seeks he’s going to throw more and more soldiers at the ukrainians literally run them out of bullets and people even if it costs him he’s going to creepy creepily Advance anywhere he can pushing his front lines further and further forward regardless of the cost right he believes that eventually um the West is going to uh abandon Ukraine that they’re going to force a mediocre peace deal something that gives Russia a bunch of Ukrainian territory and ends up rubber stamping all big countries in the world who have designs on their weaker neighbors territory right it’s also going to create a situation where Putin now has a gigantic military and a a war economy pivoted entirely to to military operations and what do you do when you have a war economy you can only do one thing with it invade right so zalinsky also warned correctly that even though every Russian Advance does strengthen Russian’s bargaining power that Putin can leverage when peace negotiations or a ceasefire begin right Putin’s said he’s told the Russian people this the Russian forces are going to continue gradual creeping advances indefinitely stopping Ukraine from conducting counter offensives and fight a war of attrition against the ukrainians Russian military command is prioritizing offensive operations right continuous non-stop offensive operations that make gradual tactical gains over kind of large scale like tactical maneuver big operational attack surge push Russians don’t care Advance a couple yards of dirt at a time at a tremendous cost and take out some some ukrainians while you’re at it now the Putin has done the math undoubtedly Russia the Kremlin is not stupid we know they’re mobilizing about 25,000 new people a day Putin seems to believe this is sustainably indefinitely sustainable um and that therefore he will be able to sustain this kind of tactical operation uh for as long as he needs to until the West wears out and and that’s part of his operation too guys don’t kid yourselves his goal is to put in Western leaders who are not going to support Ukraine and that’s right now that looks like parties like alternative for Germany uh a little bit the French national rally but they still seem pretty pretty um Pro Ukrainian uh some American rightl right-wing politicians some of the American right per understand that you know Russia Russia bad you know North Korea’s besty lo and behold they’re not great people um so you know that is part of the objective that is a whole other front is the political front and just be aware when you see crazy stories or weird statements or short form content that sounds little too salacious to be true just know that there’s a large that has committed a a country that’s willing to kill 25,000 people a month is definitely going to also be committed to influencing your government to pull away from aiding Ukraine anyway guys that’s all I had thanks to the colonel tier members like Cameron wheeler William Tell eugo qua and Makoto Mason and Anan thanks to Lieutenant tier members could not do this without you guys really I depend on you guys and be sure check the new video Drop and Peep the new site link is in the description see you in the next one cheers

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  1. The numbers are waaayyyy off to the lower end. In September 2023 there was a leak of the Russian interior ministry and the health ministry. Back then – 9 months ago – the number of Russian losses was stated as 374 000 killed and around 750 000 wounded. That was back then and it was a Russian leak. After the war will end we will see the real number and everybody will be astonished about the real Russian losses.

  2. Disagree. The Kremlin is stupid, they can’t sustain their current operations, they don’t have endless resources quite the opposite, they haven’t much left in their inventory and all that talking from Putler is just propaganda and maskierovka, nothing else. The collapse will come in mid to end 2025 at best and it will happen near instantaneously.

  3. So I am not getting this. Apparantly, the media reports over 500,000 casulties on the Russian side, killed and wounded. That makes Ukraine around 85,000 killed and wounded, (1 to 6).
    About a yeart ago, media reported a million strong army for Ukraine. So take away the 85,000 from the million available, why do we see media reporting a lack of manpower for Ukraine? I understand it is a long border to work. This is a very rough analysis.

  4. Didnt they just smoke like 1100 in one go last night,i wonder if they call the 6-1 after a really big hit to and its a lil less on the reg,either way good work boy, thanks for handling it now so i dont have to send my sons in 5 years ,glory to the heros slave Ukraine 🫡

  5. Paul, Zelensky and the Ukrainians are not to be trusted. The Russians are not to be trusted either. Both sides are giving outlandish casualties figures for their opponents. They are both lying through their teeth to show that each side is winning. I am very disappointed Paul that you are propagating such malarkey as Zelensky's. Probably he is referring to the Ukrainian-Russian casualties ratio in one front and then he does not mention that this only applies to one sector. This is what is called lying by omission and by selective evidence. I am completely convinced that, with the exception of the Wagner prisoner meat grind in Bakhmut, the Russian and Ukrainian military casualties are not too dissimilar. Paul, stop spreading Ukrainian disinformation. It is as bad as Russian disinformation. The truth is that nobody knows the real casualties figures for either side. We will not know till the war is finished, maybe.

  6. YOUR … RUSSIAN RT Version of PUTINS … 3 Day War PUTINs Russian Black Sea Naval Fleet has Retreated " VICTORIOUSLY " from Crimea KYIV was a " FEINT" , KHARKIV Oblast was a " REGROUPING " , SNAKE ISLAND was a " GOODWILL GESTURE " , KHERSON FOREVER was a " VICTORIOUS Retreat " We Russians have RETREATED " VICTORIOUSLY " for TWO YEARS Our Glorious Leader PUTIN has been Awarded " NATO Salesman of the Year as FINLAND & SWEDEN are Now in NATO Putin in 2022 " WE WILL DEMILITARIZE UKRAINE " PUTIN in 2023 " 1950 s T-54 TANKS , Chinese Golf Carts and BEGGING North Korea for Ammo" The Entire World is Laughing at us Russian LOSERS as Russia Collapses …….AGAIN 😀😀

  7. The amount of projection/propoganda on this site is absolutely amazing. Keep up the good work, it's very entertaining. What a bunch of clowns. 😂😂😂😂

  8. This propaganda is crazy 😅😅😅😅 the ghost of Kiev 😅😅😅 all over yes Ukraine is winning hahahaha I see 10 to 1 why not m 😅😅😅 this why Ukraine is sending people with down syndrome to the battlefield 😅😅😅

  9. The loss ratio is exactly the opposite. UA lost about 500,000 soldiers, Russia about less than 100,000. But the numbers of UA losses will still be increased. If this is how the former UA president Zelenskiy, now only a dictator, wants it, then let the Ukrainians themselves "thank" him for this later.

  10. I am really sorry but if Russia has a 10-1 or 7-1 ratio of artillery round advantage, that 80% of the casualties are through artillery in this conflict, these figures make no sense at all…

    I know this channel is pro-Ukrainian but even this is beyond stupid, I mean where all of a sudden are all these Russian casualties coming from, how are they committing these casualties??

  11. Trololo. Typical Jar head believe what the states tell them. Confession through projection. Nothing out of that diminutive troll's mouth from Ukraine says is true. Yes Ukraine is winning, the Ukrainian Army is steadily advancing Westward and the Russian are being defeated in combat pushed further West.

  12. Ukraine is winning I have an Idea lets start a Go fund me for them we got this everyone we need money and now we are dying here in ukraine we need your money I mean support lmao

  13. Are you trying to prove that Zelly is insane or only that he lies?:) Think a little as we all know the russian firepower, artillery, bombs is far superior to ukraines a ratio of approximately 10-1 so how could such numbers be correct?: In the long run it would serve your channel better to try to give correct info. 🙂

  14. Coming for the guy who said they only lose 31k after 2 years,,I doubt those numbers..more like 1.5-1 / 2-1 RAF and UAF ..

  15. 6/1. Ok, so media says about 500k loses in Russia. So Ukraine has about 80k. If this was truth,Ukraine has 1m+ active guys on the frontline. But they don’t. And they are running out. Give them one more year. This bullshit bubble needs to pop. People has to wake up. So much bullshit info. The other day, one of the Chanel’s was saying 90k Russians got viped out in a day. I went to comment and peiple are cheering. No limit to bullshit and stupidity of people…

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