The real EURO 2024 we need

Come on Ingerland, ruin some plates!

by Strong-Clothes4993

  1. Damn, they are all awful. It’s hard to choose really.

    I would have replaced Denmark with Iceland (đŸ€ą) though

  2. I’m not willing to share the secrets of flĂŠskesteg and brun sovs unless I know you rl. Count me out of this one. I concede to swedens kebab

  3. Nordics might not win many sporting events but this, this is their time to shine.

  4. We dont stand a chance against such a formidable foe and their potatoless potato salad

  5. This is made by someone who doesn’t know northern European cuisine.

    I feel like a landsförrĂ€dare but Denmark doesn’t belong on this list.

  6. The spicebag should ensure an early exit. It’s far too good for us to stay in the competition. Like it would only narrowly lose to doner.

  7. So here is how it would go:
    Germany – Norway 0-4
    UK – Finland 1-3

    NL-Ireland 2-1
    Denmark-Sweden 3-2 (OT win for Denmark when the kebab pizza was introduced in Sweden)

    Norway-Finland 3-2
    NL-Denmark 2-1

    Norway-NL 2-0 (another Dutch silver)

  8. Uff now this is a though one. Depending on bad Norwegian food is, England might have a change to reach the finals.

  9. We have frikadellen kroketten en bitterballen. Febo gonna save our ass.

  10. This is rigged if Norway is included. They literally eat rotten herring. Actual feces is too haute cuisine for them.

  11. What’s even Germany doing here?

    I know it may be a shocker to the pigs’ closed minds, but you don’t have to drench your food with olive oil for it to be good.

  12. I’m biased but the brits have the best food of the lot. A full english carries us.

  13. My take on this:

    **First rounds**

    – Germany vs Norway -> Norway (i think Norway has more seafood dishes but Germany has more variety).
    – Britain vs Finland -> Finland ez clap (Britain *has* some good dishes, it’s just that the most known ones are pretty bad, and both Scotland and N.I. bring the whole thing down, can’t talk about Wales)
    – Holland vs Ireland -> Ireland (the dutch abuse too much of the deep fried stuff, but Ireland is what Britain looks from the outside but in my experience without those dishes that redeem them, luv Seans but I have to say the truth).
    – Denmark vs Sweden -> I think this goes for Sweden, swedish meatballs are really good but I think Denmark has good pastries, desserts and a variety of seafood and meat, I’ve also heard it has good beers like HvidtĂžl)


    – Norway vs Finland -> second toughest match, but I’ll go with Finland.
    – Ireland vs Sweden -> I think I might have to go with Sweden, toughest match but I’ll spare the hyper-caloric atlantic food.


    – Finland vs Sweden -> Finland, sĂŒrströmming is a powerfull player but guess what, I’ve heard finns eat it too in sone way, and if you add the rest of culinary crimes against humanity, you can only give the gold medal to the suomi.

    – Finland đŸ„‡
    – SwedenđŸ„ˆ
    – IrelandđŸ„‰

  14. Amateurs

    Switzerland wins that competition against Germany, UK, Norway, perhaps also Sweden

  15. Italians are getting too arrogant with their cuisine. Y’all make the most boring and bland food and think you’re some gastronomical powerhouse.

    Italy is not even top 5 cuisines in the mediterranean.

  16. We might actually be dead last here. Most of our food is not all that special but there is some strong competition here.

  17. Sweden-UK final with surströming vs Pot Noodles … a UK team wouldn’t include Wales nor Scotland, and anyway, laverbread and haggis are edible.

  18. How did Iceland not qualify? Home of the fermented shark and smoked sheep head

  19. This is unfair to Germany, Paddy, and Barry, for all we make fun of them for they have a lot of good comfort food.

    No one deserves to be compared to fermented whale blubber or whatever the Nords and Dutch have gaslit themselves into eating

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