What region of Italy is this taste from?

What region of Italy is this taste from?

by AgroMachine

  1. I asked my Italian friend and he just shouted at me in Italian then hung up on me.

    So I’m none the wiser and still unable to offer any assistance.

  2. This looks like something the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles would cook in the sewers 😂😂.

  3. The one where they’d punch you in the face for serving them that

  4. It’s from Fat Bastadi. The same region that invented hotdog-stuffed crust pizza.

  5. Nonna yelled, “France. Only they would put salami and pasta together.”

  6. Please someone ask in r/Italy.

    Not me because I do not want abused but one of you masochists are surely up for it.

  7. The one where all the grandmothers have grown wheels and turned into bikes.

  8. Tbf, a traditional Maltese dish is a pasta bake with peas and spam mixed into it, and then they put a puff pastry lid on it like it’s a pie. So a pepperoni pasta doesn’t actually surprise me!

  9. These are not good. The sauce is weirdly sweet and the other ingredients lack flavour.

  10. I hate the fact they always fudge the nutritional values on the front……..’1/2 pack’ provides……..why don’t they just say what the entire meal is?? Instead its always ‘1/3’ this or ‘1/4’ that. They rarely, if ever just say what the entire damn product is!! 😂

  11. That’s as good as Aldi claiming pepperoni and jalapeno is an authentic & traditional American pasta bake. More like it’s some shit I probably made when I was stoned.

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