Der Vorsitzende des Geheimdienstausschusses des US-Repräsentantenhauses fordert, dass die Ukraine „gültige militärische Ziele“ in Russland angreifen darf

Der Vorsitzende des Geheimdienstausschusses des US-Repräsentantenhauses fordert, dass die Ukraine „gültige militärische Ziele“ in Russland angreifen darf

  1. That’s one Republican that will get a call from Tucker and MTG.

  2. If Russia is going to be inside Ukraine blowing things up I think turn about is fair play.

  3. They are being attacked every day by an invading force. It only makes sense to fight back.

  4. OMG what an option.

    TBH Ukraine should be able to issue retaliatory symmetric responses. That preety much makes everything except hospitals a target.

  5. Remember when WW3 started when we were allowed to strike HIMARS into Russia ? Me not.

  6. Why does Ukraine adhere to such requests by the U.S., while Israel completely disregarded U.S. condemnation of their actions and continues to receive weapons and support?

  7. Until the Oligarchs have their asses on fire in Moscow,

    they’ll never stop supporting the war and the war will never end.

  8. Oh, well, that’s very gracious of us to “allow” them to do what they need to do to try to get an invading force to stop killing their people and destroying their country.

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