Russia introduces the world its new deadliest self propelled artillery piece.

Russia introduces the world its new deadliest self propelled artillery piece.

by Accomplished_Web8122

  1. Is this the kind of Russian ingenuity they are always bragging about?

  2. Is that the remains of a tossed turret glued onto a trailer I’m looking at? They could have a large number of these available. Good work, clever orcs, I want to see what happens when they fire it…

  3. As long as they are welding sone shit together, they are away from the frontline.

  4. Is this just some rear line trrops who are bored? The amount of work required to salvage 20% of a BMP turret and then fabricate this trailer can not possibly be justified by this things effectiveness.

  5. Drone fuck3d before the detachment un-hitches that A Team monstrosity.

  6. thats it guys we are done. someone send this to zelensky and tell him to surrender now!

  7. At this point even the blind man can see that the circus has left town but the clowns stayed behind. Just go home Russia.

  8. that’s why they still haven’t finished Armata, the funds went to this beauty XD

  9. This is just tragic, counter battery folder. Awful. They think it’s ingenuity, it’s just delaying the inevitable.

  10. Someone saw that, made a video of it, and posted it to the internet like, ‘Ha, smekalka wins again!’

  11. I remember reading once that when Allied forces overran German positions in 1944 and saw junk like this that the Nazis had been forced to slap together, they knew the Reich was on its last legs.

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