Moscow Mapped, Maybe Mined Important Infrastructure on North Sea Bottom. NATO suspects Russia may have mined undersea infrastructure in the North Sea using oceanographic research vessels and fishing boats after explosives were found on a British cable.

Moscow Mapped, Maybe Mined Important Infrastructure on North Sea Bottom. NATO suspects Russia may have mined undersea infrastructure in the North Sea using oceanographic research vessels and fishing boats after explosives were found on a British cable.

by MaryADraper

  1. Just another act of war that will be ignored because of risks of “escalation”

  2. Considering how much they invest in propaganda to discourage further aid to Ukraine, a direct attack on NATO infrastructure seems… counter productive.

  3. Russia is trying to find the sweet spot where they can do some damage without provoking a serious response. I think it will be impossible though, they are playing a dangerous game.

  4. All under sea infrastructure must be considered expendable now. If ~~Russia~~ unknown aggressor decides to cut the cables and pipes _now_, every government, organization and business needs to have a plan they can start putting into effect right away to minimise impact.

  5. I doubt NATO will publish its plans to seriously degrade Russias infrastructure but you can bet there’s a whole armada of options available.

  6. Man, defusing mines under water must be stressful as there the compressive forces of a detonation don’t dissipate as rapidly. No hiding around a corner to shield you from a blast.

  7. Why is there not a cable runner that can go back and forth with a camera and other sensors? Like an autonomous robot that can continuously traverse the line to inspect them?

  8. I think they call that an act of war. If it is proven to be Russian explosives, don’t be surprised by a few explosions outside Moscow

  9. If… And I say IF they have mined cables when we are a peaceful nation… That is an exculation and it’s best to start to prepare… But I repeat it has to be proven..

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